I am a researcher, a very dedicated one to say the least. I have devoted my life's work to study the issue of parenting. I am now 65 years old, and have come to my conclusions. Really, they are not much of conclusions, but revelations. The work of a parent never ceases, from the beginning of time to the present. If a child is unruly, they are reprimanded in some way as to be more, well, ruly (yes, I just coined the word "ruly.") I have developed the theory that parents have different ways of correcting a child. Shocking, yes. Unbelievable, possibly, but I have witnessed parenting from different eras and have noticed that mothers raise their children according to what seems proper of that era. Let me give you an example with 2 parallel illustrations:
1. Parenting circa 2009: A little girl, around the age of 9, is being unruly. The mother has asked nicely for her daughter to clean up her room before the guests arrive. Her daughter refuses to do so. The mother asks again, this time raising her voice ever so slightly, giving a look of solemness and ferocity, and demands that her daughter clean up her room. The daughter tells her mother "No!" Very unruly indeed. The mother volleys back "Okay. You won't obey me? You need to be disciplined." The mother walks over to her daughter swiftly, shaking her demanding hips from side to side, her bare feet making no noise on the carpeting. "Go sit in time out. I'll clean your room for you while you do so. I want you to think about what you've done." The daughter sulks and sits in a chair in the living room, dissapointed at the consequences of her actions. She is now ruly.
2. Parenting circa 1965: A little girl, around the age of 9, is being unruly. The mother has asked nicely for her daughter to clean up her room before the guests arrive. Her daughter refuses to do so. The mother asks again, this time raising her voice ever so slightly, giving a look of solemness and ferocity, and demands that her daughter clean up her room. The daughter tells her mother "No!" Very unruly indeed. The mother volleys back "Okay. You won't obey me? You need to be disciplined." The mother walks over to her daughter swiftly, shaking her demanding hips from side to side, her high heels approaching in melody on the carpeting. The mother takes her daughter by the hand, over to a chair in the living room and sits down. "No mommy! Not a spanking!" "Yes. I am going to correct you by giving you a spanking on your bottom. It is going to hurt when I spank you because you need to learn to obey your mother." "You are mean! I'm never going to clean my room!" The mother, glares at her naughty daughter and proceeds to lie her across her maternal lap. The mother then turns up her daughter's skirt, folding it up and out of the way, exposing her daughter's soft white undergarments, her little bottom sticking into the air, prime for spanking. "I am going to make this one hurt!" The mother taunts. The mother raises her hand, her daughter helpless and awaiting the barrage of spankings upon her little bottom. The mother begins the punishment, striking with the open palm on her daughter's posterier, expecting her daughter to cry out in pain. Her daughter holds in her tears for the moment. The mother gives a harder spank, then a harder spank. Then, as in a rythm, begins to give out the full spanking, the palm making contact, cupping the bottom for a split second, then flying off resulting in a strong and potent stinging sensation. The daughter begins to cry as the pain becomes too much for her. The mother doesn't stop, wanting to finish the spanking. Soon the mother gives the final spank and rests her arm on her daughter's back. "There, you just received a spanking for disobeying me. The guests will be here soon, so go clean your room. And remember, if you decide to disobey your mother again, I won't hesitate to turn you over my knee and give you a good spanking, like the one you just recieved." The mother lets her daughter up, tears moistening the carpet below. The daughter heads to her room to clean up, rubbing her bottom the entire way. She is now ruly.
"Protective Parents"

Mr. Peterson walks into his home, hanging his coat on the coat hanger and planning on a relaxing rest of the afternoon and evening. However, his wife, Mrs. Peterson, approaches him as he enters the living room. "Hello Bob..." "What is it Janice? You seem upset?" "Its Abby." "Abby?" "Yes. She got into trouble today. She and her friend went down to the park without telling me, and they didn't tell her friend's mother either. Her mother was very worried and finally found them, and called me and I took Abby home. She's in her room now." "Wow, our angel, only 9 years old, and already starting to disobey us like she was a teenager." "Yes." "Have you talked to her?" "Not yet. I told her she was in trouble. What do you think we should do, Bob?" "Well, I think what she needs is a spanking." "A spanking? Are you sure?" "I think its best for her." "Yes, I suppose." Bob walks over to a closet and grabs the paddle from the top. He and his wife walk into Abby's room. Her room is a bit of a mess, and Abby sits innocently on her bed, frowning. She looks up, as her parents enter. She notices the paddle and her stomach begins to drop. "Abby..." her mother begins, "Your father and I had a talk about your behavior. You know that you are always supposed to tell me where you go. And you didn't. And you didn't tell your friend's mother either. You had us both worried." Abby looks down. "I'm sorry mommy. We just wanted to go try out her new kite. Her mom was busy and Suzie said it was okay if we went." "Well, it wasn't okay. You are going to have to be punished for this, Abby. I'm afraid to say you are going to receive a spanking." "No!" Abby whines. Mr. Peterson walks over to her daughter and sits on the bed next to her. "Abby, I hate to have to do this. But you always need to tell us if you go out somewhere. It is a dangerous world. Something bad could happen. We have told you before about this, and by not listening you have disobeyed your parents. The Bible says honor your father and mother and you have not. And the Bible also says that if a child does not honor their father and mother they are to be disciplined with the rod so they will not die." Abby looks at the paddle her father is holding. "Daddy, do I have to get a spanking? I don't want one! It hurts!" "Yes." "But I won't do it again! Please don't spank me!" "I know you haven't gotten a spanking in a long time, because you have been a good girl. But you did a bad thing today and your mother and I need to discipline you." "Okay..." Abby says, tears starting to flow. "Now, Abby, I know how much you hate spankings," her mother adds, "but this one is because we love you and don't want you to get hurt." "But it will hurt my bottom, mommy..." "Yes, it will hurt your bottom. But not as much as if something bad happened at the park. Now I want you to tell your father you accept the discipline you are about to receive." Abby looks at her father. "Daddy, I'm sorry I disobeyed." "And you understand why you are getting a spanking?" "Yes." "I want you to tell me why." "I am getting a spanking because I disobeyed and went to the park without telling mommy." "Yes. Now, Abby, I want you to lie over my lap with your arms and legs out of the way..." Abby gets up and lays down across her father's lap, her bottom in the air and face looking at the ground. Mr. Peterson flips up her skirt and puts the paddle in his right hand, preparing to spank. Mrs. Peterson watches in suspense, and Abby waits in suspsense, crying lightly out of fear and anticipation. "Abby, I'm going to give you 5 swats and then you're going to say you're sorry to your mother for not honoring her. The swats will hurt very much but I want you to be a big girl and stay still and accept this discipline." "Okay..." Abby says under her breath. "Here comes the first one." Mr. Peterson swats the paddle down across Abby's panty clad bottom for the first swat. Her daughter screams, but stays still. "That's one." He gives a second. Abby once again screams, this time adding some crying to the end. "That's two." A third swat comes, Abby responding once again with agony. "That's three." "Daddy! No more!" "Abby, let your father finish the spanking. You're being a good girl, just two more. I know this hurts..." Her father spanks her again and Abby begins to kick her legs. "Abby, stay still. You have one more swat." Abby stops kicking and her father prepares for the final swat, placing the paddle on her bottom to take final aim. He lifts it up and comes down hard with the final swat. Abby scream and cries, letting it all out knowing it is over. Her father stands her up, as she rubs her bottom, walking around the room, finally ending by falling onto her bed face down, still trying to console the pain in her bottom. Her mother walks over to her and sits down, hugging her. "Abby, I'm sorry you had to get spanked. It was no fun watching you because I know how much it was hurting." Abby just cries, not answering. "Tell your mother your sorry, Abby." Abby looks up. "Mommy, I'm sorry for being a bad girl. I won't do it again." Her mother hugs her. "I love you Abby. I don't want you to get hurt."
"The Lecturer"

"Ashley, we need to have a talk!" Mrs. Newmire, Ashley's mom, stands before her daughter in the family room, having just approached her. "Why?" Her mom says nothing, but motions for her daughter to follow her. They both go into the mother's room and her mother closes the door. "Yes, mommy?" Ashley says, acting coy, pretending to be innocent. "Ashley, your brother said that he saw you take some money out of my purse." Ashley is silent. "Now, did you take that money?" Ashley decides to be honest. "Yes, mom... I took a dollar out of your purse. I was going to go to Rachel's house and we were going to go to the store and buy some ice cream but I didn't have any money. I'm sorry. I didn't take that much. Just a dollar." Her mother pulls up a chair and sits down, Ashley still standing, now in a guilty stance. "Why did you do it? I would have given you the money if you had asked." "I don't know. I thought you would say no. I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Ashley turns to try to leave, hoping her mother would allow her to, for, after all, she had apologized. "Where are you going? We aren't done yet." "I'm sorry mom." "Ashley, here is why I'm upset. Instead of coming to me and asking for the money you snuck into my room and stole it. Now, although I would have given you the money to buy the ice cream, it does not mean it is your money. That money belonged to me, and you committed the sin of stealing by not asking me. That's one of the ten commandments, thou shalt not steal. And, you also broke the fifth commandment that says thou shalt honor thy father and mother. You broke that one because by not coming to me and deceiving me, you showed disrespect for me and I am your mother. You should always ask your mother before you do things because sometimes it is not okay. If you and Rachel were going to go out into the forest by yourself and you asked me, I would say no, because its not safe. But if you had just gone without asking me, then you might get hurt or lost. And I love you and wouldn't want that to happen. Maybe I would not have been okay with giving you money to buy ice cream because I didn't want you to spoil your appetite. By stealing the money you disobeyed me. But it would have been okay with me if you got ice cream. However, you still disobeyed me by not asking me and by going into my room and stealing from me. And stealing is no good. If you are a grown up, you go to jail. Sure, it was only a dollar, but that's not the point. As an adult, you may start stealing things that are more valuable. It is all about learning how to behave as a child so you don't make mistakes as an adult. You may have only stolen a dollar from me today, but it might as well have been a hundred dollars. You disrespected me and decieved me. The most important thing between a parent and child is trust. You broke my trust, Ashley. Now how do I know I can trust you if you do things like that?" Ashley sees the opening, her cue to answer. "I'm sorry mommy. I won't do it again, I promise." "Good. That's what I wanted to hear from you. You are a good girl and you made a mistake today. And I'm glad you feel sorry for your sins. That is important. Now, I won't let you have that dollar today unless you ask me." "Okay..." "Well?" Ashley realizes her mother's cue. "I'm sorry I stole the money mommy. Can I have the dollar to go with Rachel to get ice cream?" Her mother smiles, then returns to her serious face. "Yes you may Ashley. See, isn't asking much easier than being sneaky and stealing?" "Yes. I won't do it again. Can I go?" "Yes, but first... I want you to come and bend over my knee." "No, I'm sorry! You can have the dollar mommy! I don't want a spanking!" "No, you asked me for the dollar and I gave it to you. That's perfectly fine. But I am spanking you because you deceived me and disobeyed me by stealing it first. In order to re-establish trust between mother and daughter, you need to be punished for your deed. And children your age need to be spanked for punishment. I am sorry it has to be this way, but it does. Now, come and bend over my knee and receive your spanking." "Mommy! Please! I'm sorry!" "I'm waiting Ashley. If you want to go to Rachel's house, you'd better take your punishment before it gets too late." "I don't want to go to her house anymore. I won't go." "If that's what you want. But you are still going to get a spanking, whether you like it or not. If I were to let you go without punishing you I'd be a bad mother. It is now my duty to spanking because you did what you did. You are guilty of committing that sin of stealing and deceiving me, and once you receive your punishment of a spanking on your bottom you are no longer guilty and we will have restored our trust between us. Okay? So when you are ready, come over to me and lie across my lap so I can spank you. You need to accept your punishment and submit to your mother. So, whenever you are ready Ashley." Ashley stands for a couple minutes, staring at her mom, too scared to move. Tears begin to form as she realizes she is about to get a spanking. She finally walks forward and up to her mother, who is waiting patiently in position. "I'm sorry mommy..." "I know, Ashley. Now bend over my knee so you can submit to the spanking." Ashley leans over, stiffly preparing for her spanking. She feels her moms hand on her bottom, however, it is not a spank. Her mom is simply adjusting her and holding her in place, with her other arm wrapping across her back. She hopes this will be over soon. But her mom starts talking. "Now, Ashley, you know I hate to do this. I already told you why stealing was wrong. It is wrong because it hurts other people because they miss their things that are stolen, but it also ruins their trust. And deceiving people makes you a deceptive person, and nobody wants to be around a deceptive person. Now, by spanking you I am saying that I forgive you and your only punishment for doing what you did is the pain in your bottom. You will not lose my trust, the way adults are punished for doing things like that. Instead of losing trust, you will have to feel the pain of a spanking. And it will hurt, unfortunately. That's how spankings work. They are meant to be painful as a form of punishment that replaces other worse forms of punishment, like losing trust. I am your mother and will always love and trust you. So to keep it that way I have to replace the hurt feelings I would have had with you deceiving me with what I'm doing now, punishing your act and behavior by giving you a spanking. You know, no mother likes to spank their child. Every mother feels very bad having to spank their child and make them cry. I know it will hurt a lot, I recieved them when I was your age too. But the good thing about getting a spanking is that afterwards you know that you are forgiven. Now..." Her mother raises her hand in the air and Ashley begins to flinch, preparing for the first hard slap her mom is going to give. Her mom begins to motion for a swat, but stops as she gets close to making contact with her bottom, placing her hand on her bottom softly once again. "And Ashley..." her mother continues, to Ashley's hidden dismay, "I don't want you to be bitter about this. You know I love you. I don't want to spoil you and have you turn into a brat or a deceptive person. You understand that you earned a spanking by being deceptive and stealing from me. So, while I spank you, I want you to think about what you did and how you won't do it again. And I don't want you to think I'm mean for spanking you, because all moms do this because they want their children to make good decisions. You made a poor decision today and as I spank your bottom for it, I want you to realize that every painful swat with my hand is like a year in jail you would have had if you stole something as an adult. And when I am done spanking you and your bottom stops stinging from it, you will know that I still love you and hope you make better decisions in the future." Her mother raises her hand, once again, goes to spank, but once again stops and begins to talk, her hand once again resting on her bottom. "Ashley, you know that a spanking is a symbolic act. I am not hitting you, I am showing you that there are consequences for behavior. I love you and don't want you to be hurt, so as I make your bottom sting, I am showing you that if you keep doing those things, you will be hurt very badly, not from me, but from what you do. And, for your part, by bending over my knee, you are showing that you accept your punishment. I could have spanked you out in the living room and all this been over with, but you would not have learned these life lessons. Now, as you lie helpless over my knee waiting for your spanking, you can show trust that I am doing this for your own good and I love you. Spanking involves lots of trust. I need to trust that this will cause you to behave better, and you need to trust that I do it for your own good and am not trying to hurt you, even though it will hurt." Ashely begins to get restless, squirming a little on her mother's knee. Her mother notices it and cuts the lecture short. "Okay, I guess its time for the spanking, Ashley. I am going to give you ten hard spanks on your bottom with my hand and then you are free to go. Are you ready?" Her mother raises her hand and waits for an answer. Ashley lays there waiting. "Ready?" Her mother says once again. Ashley finally realizes the cue and tearfully answers, "Yes..." "Now, its going to be ten hard spanks and I want you to take them without kicking or squirming out of position. No blocking the spanks with your hand. You can cry but do not be dramatic. I want this to be a good controlled spanking, a sound spanking that is done out of duty for both of us. This is going to hurt Ashley, so I understand why you hate spankings so much. I did too and I hate giving them. Every time I have to spank you I can feel your bottom and the pain it must be feeling and it hurts me too. So lets just get this over with. Ready Ashley? I'm going to begin spanking you and I will stop after ten spanks." Ashley's mind begins to wander when suddenly her cloudy thoughts are interrupted with a sharp smack on her bottom. She lets out a yelp, surprised at the pain. A second one follows, then a third. Ashley tries to meditate through the spanking, hoping it will be over soon. The spanking stops. Ashley is relieved for the ordeal to be over. Her mom still holds her over her lap. "That's five. Are you doing okay Ashley? Only five more spanks." "Owe! Mommy! I'm sorry!" Ashley cries harder thinking the spanking was over but realizes she is only half way through. "Here they come..." Her mother announces the other five then proceeds to administer the other five, her hand slapping against her daughter's thin shorts, her bottom reacting to each smack. Her legs kick in the air and her voice wails with tears. Finally its over. But Ashley still lays over her mother's knee. "I am sorry to have to do that. But I'm glad I did it. Now you are innocent from your sin because you have received your punishment. If you make another bad decision like this one I will unfortunately have to spank you again. Hopefully I won't have to have you over my knee again, but know that I will if I need to, because I love you and want you to be corrected from bad behavior. You see, when you stole that money... [TO BE CONTINUED...]
"Vantage Points"

What happened to Julie Stansbury at 8:34 P.M., June 8th, 1954? There were several witnesses and each gave their own account:
Nicholas Johnson [a 13 year old boy with residence in the neighborhood]: "I was taking a stroll that night, as I was bored and had nothing to do and I felt the air was nice enough that night for a walk. Actually, to be honest, my true intentions were kind of weird. You see, all the moms in the neighborhood used to discuss discipline techniques and they all came up with this idea of bedtime spankings. Basically, their kid got in trouble in the day, they were told they would receive discipline before bedtime. It made the whole day suspenseful for all of us and really had an effect. I was strolling around listening in in case any kids got a spanking. For some reason hearing my friends get spanked before bedtime kind of fulfilled me, because I had some issues with parents and some reason it was a sort of catharsis (learned that word from a dictionary at school). I was walking around just listening, usually the air was silent because kids behaved themselves. Then I walked by the Stansbury house. I heard murmuring and crying so I approached closer. Suddenly I heard the sound of a hand slapping a bottom and I knew a spanking was happening. I listened in thinking it was Eddy Stansbury, a boy I would sometimes play tag with. But then I heard the voice of a little girl whining and reacting to the spanking. I realized it was his little sister Julie. I was shocked. I didn't really think girls got spanked for some reason, and this was the first time I heard a girl getting spanked. By comparison, she was really screaming and crying compared to Eddy when he gets spanked. The spanking stopped and I noticed I was aroused. So I went home and you can imagine the rest of my night... I had some weird issues.
"Eddy Stansbury [the younger brother of Julie]: "My sister was being bad and my mom got mad at her and told her she was going to get a spanking. I laughed cause she was being a pill to me and bothering me. My mom said she was being naughty and earned a spanking and she started crying because she didn't want a spanking. That was after lunch. Then when I was going to bed I saw my mom walk into Julie's room and close the door. I heard my mom yell at her and say 'pull down your pants and get over my lap' and I heard Julie yell 'No!' really loud and she was crying. Then I heard my mom spanking her and it was really loud and I heard Julie screaming because it hurt really bad. It stopped and my mom came out of the room and I really quick jumped in my bed and went to sleep.
"Betty Stansbury [Julie's mother]: "Well, here is what happened. My daughter Julie was behaving like a brat, being very naughty and being sassy, not obeying my commands and disrespecting me and her brother. Usually I try be more lenient with Julie because she is my little princess. But that day she was a little terror. I warned her over and over. The thing that finally got through was when I told her 'Julie, I'm sorry to tell you but you've just earned a spanking.' She replied 'No! Mommy! Why?' And I told her 'Because you are being very naughty.' She pouted and was a good girl the rest of the day. However, I had to follow through otherwise I would be a bad parent. So, I made sure Eddy was in bed then I walked into Julie's room. She was in her pajamas and was reading a book. She looked up and remembered her fate. 'No mommy! I'm sorry!' I walked over to her bed and sat down. 'Julie, you know what happens to bad boys and girls in this house. They get a spanking. Now come over here so I can spank your bottom and send you to bed.' Julie put down the book and walked over to her bed, crying. I told her 'Now pull down your pants and get over my lap!' 'No!' She screamed. I knew she was scared and would be uncooperative and I just wanted to get it over with. So I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. I grabbed her waistband with both hands and pulled her pajama pants down along with her panties. I grabbed her and lifted her onto my lap. She immediately started wiggling but I didn't care. I just started giving her her spanking. I usually spank my son, so I was not used to Julie getting spanked. She was very dramatic. It was like I was trying to kill her, although all it really was was several swift slaps to her bare bottom with the palm of my hand. All the other moms in the neighborhood do the same thing. We all believe in spanking. So Julie's punishment that night was the result of my belief. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I put her over my lap in the proper spanking position, and I pulled her pants down to insure the proper stinging effect from my hand on her little bottom. I finished the spanking and let her up and pulled her pajamas back up. Then she climbed into bed, still crying. She cried pretty loud during the spanking, probably woke up the whole neighborhood. But that's just what happens when kids are naughty. Its a parent's job to give them a spanking as discipline. So that's what happened that night. It was simply discipline.
Horror Story From the 1960's

It was the 60's, and I thought it was all about freedom. Maybe that was the decade to come. I was just a teenager living under my ultra conservative mother's rules. It was horrible. No dancing, for example, meant no fitting in at parties. My mother hated dancing. She thought it was unladylike to move your hips. And don't even think about boys, that was out of the question completely. As a girl, growing up, if I stepped out of her agonizingly straight line, I was punished, often severly. She had her punishment tool, an antique metal hairbrush. It was very light and produced quite a sting on a young girl's bottom. I tried following all her rules. But then there was this boy, Timothy Louchenson. I really had a thing for Timothy, and my mother knew this. "You are not to see Timothy, Claudia." My mother used to tell me over and over. "Claudia, I'd better not catch you talking to Timothy." But I did anyway. I saw Timothy. We started getting close, even talking about running away and getting married. I was young back then, foolish. I thought like meant love, and hanging out meant being committed. One day, being the bold young 16 year old I was, I decided it would be most fun for me and Timmy to head to make-out point, as we dubbed it (it was just an old lot behind a convinienced store that nobody ever went to, with a nice little grove overlooking the highway, hidden and beautiful). However, my mother told me to come home straight after school that day, so I knew I had to think of something. I decided cutting class with Timothy and heading over to make-out point would be the way to go. So we did. We skipped 7th period and walked the short distance to our paradise. We talked, then held hands, then began kissing. It was quite exhilirating, the forbidden love. But then the bushes rustled and a police officer grabbed us both by the collars. "Truancy, eh?" He was a smart cop, and he knew that we were cutting class, as school had not quite ended. To my shock it was Mr. Peabody, an officer who happened to know me and my mother. "You're mother isn't going to be too happy when she hears about this, now is she Claudia?" I think Officer Peabody was one of those sadistic policeman, probably one of the ones who let the dogs loose in Burmingham. He made a call on his radio. Somehow I knew he was calling my mother. The policman didn't seem to care about Timothy. He drove both of us to my house. As he walked up to the door, the door opened, and there stood my mother, hairbrush in hand. "I'll take it from here, officer." My mother said, turning, expecting me to follow her. Timothy was very embarrassed and I was almost angry at my mother and the police officer. This might mean the end of our relationship. "What's going to happen?" Timothy asked the officer. "I don't know, son, but I know what's going to happen to Claudia. It looks like you have an appointment with your mother's hairbrush, young lady. Better get in there." I didn't say a word and walked inside, following my mother. I have to admit, I was very nervous, as I knew this was going to be a very painful spanking. And what made it worse, the officer just stood at the door with my boyfriend. I knew he was going to be able to hear my cries as I was receiving my punishment. Maybe I would try not to cry this time. Determined, I walked into my mother's room, where she was sitting on the bed. "Disobedience, truancy, and sexual immorality. You have quite the spanking coming, Claudia." "Mom, please, we just want to be left alone. I love Timothy." "That may be so, but while you're in my house, you obey my rules. Honor your mother, Claudia. Plus, you skipped school, and you know that's an automatic spanking. So, are you ready or are you just going to stand there acting like I'm the villain?" Was she right? Was I just being a senseless rebel? Maybe I did deserve what was coming. "Bare bottom?" I asked my mother. "Oh yes." I sighed and took off my skirt and panties. My mother made a spot on her lap for me, and I submissively bent over it. My bare bottom in the air and my head dangling down I was ready to accept my fate. "How many spanks am I getting?" I asked. "Until I think you've had enough." Mother usually told me ahead of time how many I would receive, so this caught me off guard. Now I wasn't so confident about accepting my fate, but it was too late. My mother gave the first hard spank, on my right butt cheek. I yelped in reaction to it, trying to remind myself this was only the first spank of many to come. Then the rest started coming, one after another. My mother rotated back and forth from my left butt cheek to my right butt cheek, all the while I squirmed and kicked for dear life. Each spank was like a bee sting, and with each one the bees got bigger and their stingers more sharp. I started to genuinely cry from the pain, and this made me embarrassed, something else to cry about. In the back of my mind I knew Timothy and the police officer still stood at the doorway, listening in. I didn't want Timothy to think of me as a girl who still got spankings, as a little girl. But there I was, over my mother's knee, recieving a spanking and crying like a little girl. "Mom! Stop! Please!" I begged. I didn't know how long she would go for and the pain was unbearable. "I won't cut school again!" I promised, but my mother kept spanking me. She was in a trance almost, the hairbrush making contact with my bottom. My bottom must of been bright red by this time, as red as my mother's dress. Finally I screamed out "I won't see Timothy anymore!" My mother stopped spanking. "That's what I wanted to hear. You are my daughter and when I say you are to respect my rules, you are to respect my rules." My mother got up and left the room. I quickly flipped over onto my stomach and layed there, my bottom on fire and tears streaming down my face. I heard my mother talking by the doorway. "Officer Peabody, Claudia has been sufficiently spanked. Thank you for turning her in. Timothy, its best you get home to your parents and learn your fate. If you were my son I'd turn you right across my knee like I did Claudia and spank your bottom red. Good day to you both." I heard the door slam. Then I heard nothing for a very long while.