"Who Do You Think You Are?"

All the children were happy. Ms. Livingston was going to be the chaperone for the weekly bingo night at church. Every week, the parents got together to socialize, playing bingo and having a good time as a community. Free daycare was provided, however, by saying it was provided meant that someone had to provide. Each week a different parent took the night off to watch all the kids. In all, there was usually an average of 20 to 30 children, of different ages. The oldest girl there was a girl named Connie, who was 14 years old. Being the oldest, and not having many friends to hang out with her age, she became an outcast, but a desirable one. All the children looked up to her, yet feared her at the same time. Connie enjoyed herself, finding things to amuse herself, making friends with some of the younger children. Connie's parents decided to never let her stay home alone, due to one occasion when they arrived to find her and her boyfriend alone in her house. They hadn't done anything inappropriate, the but the mere fact that they could have scared the parents half to death. So Connie was forced to hang out with the kids on bingo night. On this particular night, the babysitting duty fell on a single lady named Sharron Livingston. Sharron had never been married, had no kids, but was only in her early 30's. The children were happy to have her. Not only was she fun to be around, with her off the wall humor and relaxed state, but, frankly, she had no experience parenting, and seemingly had no experience in the art of discipline. The kids ran wild, but Sharron didn't seem to mind. It was on this night that Connie decided to clash with Ms. Livingston. The rule for the position of chaperone was to be a parent to all the children. In weeks past, the millions of "don't you dares" and "you'd better nots" from the real parents held the children together. These were empty threats, but every child new that each of those parents had disciplined before. There was something about them, their demeanor. Ms. Livingston lacked that. Connie knew this and wanted to take advantage of this. So on this night, Connie snuck out of the room, bringing a few younger kids with her. "Want to see something cool?" Connie asked. They all were eager. Connie took them to a utility closet. "Inside, once the door is closed, candy appears!" All the kids ran inside and begged her to close the door. Connie did so, locking them in. No candy appeared. But the moment was sweet for Connie. The lowest form of humor, pulling a prank on gullible children, had made Connie laugh. She put up her good girl image around all the parents, and she was viewed as a good girl, but this was just an illusion. Lucky for Ms. Livingston, she had no experience in raising kids, and couldn't tell if they were "good" or "bad." Connie stood and smiled as the kids begin to cry in the closet, scared stiff. What Connie didn't know is that another young child had followed from a distance, and ran back to report this to Sharron. "Connie did what? Oh my..." Ms. Livingston marched out in her high heels and trim figure, reaching Connie and the closet. "Connie! Did you do this!" "Yeah... it was funny." Connie said. Ms. Livingston unlocked the closet letting the poor kids out. Connie laughed. "Why did you let them out Sharron? It was funny." "You need to show me some respect, Connie. Its Ms. Livingston." "No I don't. You're not even a mom. You're just like me, only really really old." Ms. Livingston new she was being challenged by what parents refer to as a "naughty child." She knew what to do, she thought. "Let's go back to the room." Sharron took the kids back. Once inside, she motioned to Connie. "Connie, I want to see you in the other room, now." "What for?" Connie snorted back. Ms. Livingston gave a look and motioned Connie again. Connie followed her into the room, as Sharron closed the door, locking it, reminiscent of the closet incident, only they were both inside the candy room and nobody was outside laughing. Sharron grabbed Connie's arm forcefully, turning her around to face her. "Connie! That was completely immature and irresponsible of you! You do not behave like that! Those kids were terrified! You are a bully! You need to be taught a lesson!" Connie laughed. "Okay. What, are you gonna tell my mom and dad? I'll just tell them that the kids wanted me to lock them in. They always believe me." Sharron thought for a few moments. She looked over and noticed a chair sitting off to the side, then looked at Connie head to toe. "I know the solution. What you need is a spanking." Connie laughed. "A spanking? You're kidding me. I'm not a little kid." "You are acting like one, so I don't see a difference. Yes, I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to spank you." Connie didn't laugh this time, seeing that Ms. Livingston was serious. "You're not a mom. You don't even know how to spank." Sharron thought to herself, then went and grabbed the chair. "Oh, I know how to spank. I was spanked plenty when I was a little girl by my parents. And how hard could it be?" Connie stood firm. "Now come here. I'm going to do this the official way, how parents have beens spanking for years. You're going to bend over my knee." "What?" "Come here Connie..." Connie walked to her, thinking it would be over quick, and would be a wimpy little thing. "Let's see, now give me your arm, here, and now I pull you this way..." Sharron maneuvered Connie into position, bent over her lap and ready to receive her spanking. "That's more like it. Now when you spank a child, I know you put them over your knee and give them several hard slaps on their bottom. Their bare bottom if I'm not mistaken." "What?" Sharron flipped up Connie's skirt and pulled her panties down. "Who do you think you are! You're not my mom! You can't spank me like this!" "I'm the Chaparone, and I will be a mom someday. Us moms and prospective moms work together to raise the children of this world. Sometimes its our duty to administer a good spanking. Now, if I am correct, this should hurt quite a bit..." Ms. Livingston began spanking Connie's bottom, delivering powerful slaps. Her trim physique and young age gave her added strength and poise. She looked majestic, spanking Connie. She almost looked like a mom. The night went on and the parents came to pick the kids up. Connie's mom went up to Sharron. "Sharron, I hear you gave my daughter a spanking today?" "Oh, yes. She locked some kids in a closet and scared them. She was being a bully. I had to correct her. I hope you aren't mad." "No. Not at all. Good for you! I didn't know you were pro-spanking, Sharron?" "Well, I may not be a mom, but I have that conservative view on things. I'm old school, I guess you can say. I'm all for taking a naughty child over your knee and giving them a spanking." "Well, it worked for us growing up." "Yes it did. I remember my mother taking me over her knee many times. I thought my bottom was going to fall off from the amount of spankings I received. But it made me a strong person. Its funny, after I gave Connie that spanking, I felt like I was influencing her life." "Yes, that's the feeling you get. It may not be fun to spank a child, especially when they aren't happy about receiveing the spanking, but the feeling of responsibility you get makes you able to do it." "That was the first spanking I ever gave." "From what I gather from Connie's whining, you're a natural. Let's toast to many more spankings in the future." "Hopefully not too many." "Oh, we know they'll be plenty. Children are children. Its up to us to correct them. Welcome to parenthood Sharron Livingston. You're one of us now. You may not be a mother, but you're a mom."
"Excuse Us... Its Just a Spanking" [Special Thanks to Toma for the original drawing]
"Excuse Us... Its Just a Spanking" [Special Thanks to Toma for the original drawing]
"Its so nice to see you again, Charlie and Thelma!" Pam Redding greets her longtime friends, as they walk through the door. "Its been, what, 9 years?" "Yes, it has." Thelma says, smiling away, happy to see her friend. "Yes, 9 years. I'm so happy to see that you two got married. Last time you came to visit you were still dating." "Yes, we dated quite a while..." Charlie says. "Well, I'm sure you want to meet my family. This is Roger..." Pam says, pointing at her husband standing towards the back of the room. "...And I have 2 kids, Rachel and Evan. Rachel! Evan!" Her 2 children come into the room. "I'd like you to meet Charlie and Thelma. They are friends of ours from a long time ago." Rachel and Evan exchange hellos and go on their way. "My, Rachel is getting big! Last time we saw her she was only 3 years old!" "Yes. And Evan just turned 7. Rachel and Evan, our two kids..." Roger steps forward. "So, would you like something to eat or drink?" The two couples go into the family room and begin long conversations, reminiscing about times in the past, and times covered by the once fog of non-communication. They were really enjoying each other's company. But the mood was threatened by the voice of Evan. "Mom! Rachel is being mean! She breaking my legos when I build my castle!" Pam looks at her guests. "There they go again. Just wait until you have kids... ah. Always fighting with each other." Pam looks towards the source of Evan's voice. "Rachel! Come here please..." Rachel obeys her mom and enters the room. "Rachel, are you bothering your brother?" "No." "Rachel? Don't lie to me..." "Okay, I was just having fun. He was being annoying so I knocked over his legos." "Well that wasn't nice. Now, leave your brother alone. I don't want to hear you bothering him again." Rachel leaves her mom and the company. "Sorry about that. Now... where were we?" They continue to talk once again, chatting away. Its not long before yelling is heard again. "Excuse me..." Pam says and marches towards her children in the other room. Pam's voice is heard from the distance. "Hey! Stop it you too!..." A blunt sound is heard, the sound of a toy being thrown. Evan is heard crying. "Rachel! That's it! You're getting a spanking!" Pam comes back through the room where her friends and husband sit waiting patiently. She looks angry, stomping on by. Her daughter Rachel follows her from a distance, whining. "Mom! No! Please... I didn't mean to hit him!" Pam enters the kitchen. The sound of a cupboard drawer is heard opening and the sound of the wooden spoon is heard, the drawer then being slammed shut. Pam marches back through holding a big wooden spoon. Rachel begins to cry. "No! Mom! Don't!" Pam takes her daughter into her room, closing the door behind her. Pam's friends and husband listen from the living room. Meanwhile, inside the close doors, Pam prepares to spank her daughter. She walks over to Rachel's bed and sits down. "Come here." "No mom!" "Come here!" "Please!" "Rachel, if you don't come here this minute I'm pulling those pants down!" Rachel cries and approaches her mom. Her mom positions her facing away from her, in a standing position. Her tiny red shorts make her bottom stand out, a perfect target. "Ready..." Rachel cries, not even answering with the obvious "no." Pam swings and smacks Rachel's right butt cheek with the spoon, dead on. Rachel screams and puts her hand over the spot. "Move your hand!" Pam grabs Rachel's hand and yanks it up and away from her bottom. She then proceeds to spank away, giving 5 or 6 hard swats to Rachel's bottom. The screams of Rachel can be heard in the living room, along with the sounds of the spanking, the wooden spoon cracking against her bottom. The sound of the spanking ceases. "There, Pam says. Now when I tell you to behave, I mean it! You don't throw things at your brother, and you don't disobey me, especially when we have guests." Rachel cries, rubbing her bottom. "Mom! It hurts..." "Yes I know. That's what happens when you misbehave, you know that. Now I'm sure that Charlie and Thelma heard you getting a spanking. You should be embarrassed that you acted that way. Spankings are for little kids, but you know I'll spank you any time any where if you need it. Now I want you to apologize to Charlie and Thelma, once you're ready to come out." Pam leaves her daughter in her room and returns to her guests, she sits down. "Sorry about that. Where were we?" Pam still holds the wooden spoon in her hand. Thelma notices. "That's nasty looking thing you have there..." Thelma jokes lightly. "Oh. I forgot I had this. I'd better put it away. Yes, its our spanking spoon. When our kids need to be disciplined, we give them a spanking with it. Works like a charm." "I didn't know you spanked, Pam?" "Yes. You need to if you're going to raise two kids. Any kids for that matter. Take my advice. When you have kids, don't hesitate to get a wooden spoon and spank their little bottom." "I'll keep that in mind." Pam goes to the kitchen and puts the spoon away. "Yes, Rachel can really be a handful. But the one thing that seems to work is spanking her. This is her second spanking this month." "Wow. So you spank her with that spoon every time?" "Yes. It really stings the bottom. I have her stand there and I give a few swats with that thing and they repent immediately. Trust me. When you have kids, don't hesitate to get out a wooden spoon and spank their little bottom!" "I'll keep that in mind."
"I Hate My Family...'s Values"
"I Hate My Family...'s Values"
If you ever were wondering, yes, I used to get spanked growing up. I grew up in a very conservative family, ruled by my patriarch father and supported by my no-nonsense mother. It seems unheard of to use corporal punishment in this era, but it happens, and it happened a lot to me. I'm 22 years old now, just graduated college, but I look back to my formative years, every lesson, every mistake, every spanking... they were supposed to teach me. But what it did teach me was this: you'd better not get caught in your mistake or you'll have one sore bottom. Sure, I'll admit, spankings did teach me how to behave, growing up. But the memories of spanking are all bad, for me. I guess that's what they're supposed to be... bad memories, that will stay in your mind so you'll think twice the next time you decide to disobey your parents, your teacher, your boss, your government... It seems trivial, as a kid, to get a little spanking on your bottom for doing something you weren't supposed to be doing. But they sure stuck in my mind. I grew up in a family with 2 older brothers. Being the youngest, I had the convenience of learning from my brothers mistakes. Seeing and hearing them getting spanked always made me nervous, made me on edge. But as my brothers got older, they stopped getting in trouble, and I stopped getting nervous. That's when I started to make mistakes. I remember one time, when I was 14 years old, I was in a particularly bad mood. I had just been given loads of homework at school, I missed my friends party the previous weekend because our family decided to go on a random "weekend vacation" to a museum, and my mom was being, well... mom. I sat in my room, contemplating which part of my homework to start, when I thought "screw it, I'm going to Ellen's house." I called my friend Ellen and told her the plan. She was happy, I was somewhat less unhappy, and I went to leave the house. But my mom was vacuuming in the living room, blocking the way out. She saw me and turned off the vacuum. "Where do you think you're going, Bridgette?" "To Ellen's house." "Did you finish your homework?" I contemplated lying. "No. I didn't finish it. I'll do it later." My mom looked mad. "No, you'll do it now. You know the rule, Bridgette. In this house, homework gets done first." "That's a stupid rule, mom! It doesn't matter when it gets done, but that it just gets done!" "No, Bridgette. Its a rule for a reason. Me and your father believe in that rule, to avoid procrastination, and ultimately laziness." "You and dad are stupid! Just let me go to Ellen's house! I'll be back later and I'll do my homework!" "Bridgette! Don't you talk to me like that! I mean it! Now, are you doing to do your homework like I asked?" "Well, you didn't ask, you told. And yes, I am. Just not now. Now I'm going to Ellen's house." My mom didn't move at all. "Bridgette... are you going to obey me?" "Mom! You need to learn! It doesn't matter what I do as long as I do what needs to get done! Duh! I'm going to go to Ellen's house, come back, do my homework, and to bed! Not that hard to figure out... maybe for you... Now, please can I go to Ellen's house. She's expecting me. I already made plans." My mom sighed. "Fine! Go to Ellen's house! Its your choice, Bridgette!" I was surprised my mom caved. I thought I had won. I went to Ellen's house and spent the day there, whining about how annoying my parents were. I returned home at 8:00, well after dinner (I had eaten at Ellen's house), but my family was all settling down. My mom was reading, my brothers were watching TV, and my dad was in his study. I walked through the door, quietly, but confidently. However, my confidence dropped when my mom put down her book and addressed me. "Bridgette, your father is waiting for you in his study" That didn't sound good. What could my dad possibly want to see me about? Did he want to talk about my day at school, share jokes, bitch about friends? I walked into the study and saw my dad working on some of his work. Apparently adults have homework as well. I walked in, keeping the door open. I waited a moment before getting my dad's attention. "Um. Hi dad." My father turned around. "Close the door, Bridgette." I obeyed him, really getting nervous now. "Bridgette, you mother told me that you were misbehaving this afternoon. Disrespecting her and disobeying our rules." "What? No. I just went to Ellen's house for a little while. Now I'm about to go do my homework." "Bridgette, you know the rule. Homework first. Now, I wouldn't be so mad if it wasn't for the way you acted towards your mother. She said you were sassing her, being very disrespectful. That is not acceptable in this house." "I'm sorry." "You know what's going to happen now, don't you?" I stared at him, hoping it wasn't what I thought. "Okay, I'll go apologize to mom..." "You will, after I'm done disciplining you. So... come here Bridgette..." My dad patted his lap. "No! Dad! Not a spanking! Come on! I'm sorry!" "Bridgette, disobedient and disrespectful kids in this house get spanked. You need to learn to respect your parents. That's the way a family works. If a child is out of line, its a father's job to put them back in line with a good old fashioned spanking." I gulped. "Is there any thing else I can do? I'm really sorry dad! I didn't mean to be disrespectful!" "No. The fact is you were. I'm sorry to have to do this, but its a father's job. Now come over my lap, let's get this over with..." My stomach dropped as I approached my father. There were three things I hated about getting spanked: having to pull my underwear down in front of my dad (spankings were always given on the bare bottom in my house), having to bend over his knee like a little kid (spankings were always given over the knee in my house), and having to cry from the pain (spankings were always very painful in my house). I approached my dad, who was prepared to do his fatherly duty. "Pull your panties down, Bridgette..." I did so and bent over his lap. "This is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you..." "Yeah right, I thought." I couldn't believe that my bad day had ended worse than it had started. I went from stressed and depressed, to scared and helpless, lying with my butt exposed over my dad's lap, with him getting ready to spank the daylights out of me. He raised his arm and came down hard. The spanking had begun. I knew my whole family could hear me getting spanked, but I didn't even care. All I could think about was that sensation, the sensation my my dad's palm slapping against my sensitive bottom. Spankings in my house were loud and dramatic, everyone hated them, except my parents apparently. Usually I had the feeling of "I'm glad its not me over his knee right now..." but at this time it was me over his knee! I was in the dreaded situation, getting a spanking. I knew it would be over eventually, but time stands still when you get a spanking. I was very embarrassed at being treated so much like a child, dangling over my daddies lap with my bare bottom getting spanked by his hand over and over again. But I also had the physical sensation to worry about. My bottom was on fire, stinging from the spanking. It was not long before I started crying. That was always embarrassing, when you started crying from a spanking. My brothers tried not to, and sometimes they'd succeed. I guess it made them feel like an adult, a man if you will. I could never manage. I was still a kid, as the tears came flowing and the wailing of my voice started. When my dad had felt he had done his job he stopped the spanking and allowed me to get up. I wiped my face and pulled up my panties. I couldn't bare to look at him. Instead I walked outside. As I was leaving I heard him say "I love you Bridgette. I hate to have to do that. But I'm trying to raise you with our family values." I didn't answer, but simply left. As I walked out, my mom put down her book again. "Oh. Did your father give you a spanking?" "Duh" I thought, but I said "Yes." "Oh, good. Next time you'll know how to behave. Now go do your homework, like you should have been doing." I decided to do my English homework first. We had to write a paper on what we value in a family, a.k.a, family values. How about that?
"Talking With Other Moms"
"Talking With Other Moms"
Three mothers sit around a living room, talking, laughing, drinking iced tea, enjoying each others company. Caryl 36 years old, a mother of a 13 year old daughter. Her friends, Joyce and Evelyn, are around the same age, each with children of their own. Joyce is a mother of 3 daughters, ages 15, 12, and 9, and Evelyn is a mother of 2 boys, 6 and 4. They've got 6 kids among them, and all feel like they are raising them together, even though all they ever do is talk. But the stories they share has added to the depth of experience these 3 middle age suburban stay-at-home moms possess. Like typical suburban stay-at-home moms, they love to be in a rut, love to do the same things day in day out. Tea time is one of their activities they share, stealing it from the British custom. "So, Joyce... how are things at work?" Evelyn says. They all share a laugh. "Isn't it nice to always be around the house? You can clean and cook and take care of the children, and do it all at your own pace! I feel so bad for those other moms who have to juggle work into their schedule." Caryl sits back and prepares for a response. "You are absolutely right, Caryl. I agree with you one hundred percent." They all take a sip of their tea. "Did you read that new book Tina suggest at church?" Evelyn asks. "I bought it, but haven't gotten to it yet." "I've read part of it before, but I don't own the book. I'll have to borrow it again." "Well, the reason I asked was that I don't know where to find the book and was wondering if I could borrow it from either of you two. But I guess not." They take a sip of their tea. "Did any of you feel that earthquake last night? California... its crazy. Even out here in the peaceful suburbs there's still violence..." Joyce says. "No." "No." "Well, I guess you two are sound sleepers..." "Oh, Joyce, I forgot to ask you. Did you decide on the location for Emily's birthday party? The pizza parlor you were going to go to is rented out that night. I just happen to know the owner's wife and I mentioned you and she asked what date and I told her and... well... we have a problem, don't we?" "Really?" Joyce says, half-concerned. "Well, its her sweet 16 and she wants to have a lot of people there." "Why not at home?" Caryl says. "I think the home is the best place to nurture children. Why not have the party there?" "Are you kidding?" Joyce says. "That would cause such a mess! It would take weeks to clean up! You know teenagers!" "Not yet..." Eveyln says. "That's right, your two are still young. Yes, wait until the teenage years." Joyce jests. "Yes. Rachel turned 13 several months ago. And I already see the difference." "Really?" "Yes, she's been more sassy. More disobedient. The Bible says children obey your parents, and she seems to have forgotten that. I think at age 13 they all forget that verse." "You are right Caryl. I always stress that verse with my 3 daughters. Children obey your parents. And they know to obey me. They are good girls." "Well, Rachel is still a good girl. She just makes mistakes now and then. Like yesterday, for example. I told Rachel to feed our cat, since his food was running low. She told me 'No.' I asked her again, and she said 'No mom! You do it!' and she went into her room." "No!" Evelyn gasps. "Yes, that's what she said." "Children need to obey their parents! That was very disrespectful of her!" Joyce says. "What did you do, Caryl?" Evelyn inquires. "Well, I ended up giving her a sound spanking." "Good for you," Joyce says. "With my daughters, they know that disobedience results in a painful lesson in a meeting: Mrs. hand meets ms. tushy." They all share a laugh. "So how did you handle it, Caryl? Rachel seems like such a sweet girl, I can't imagine you having to spank her." "Well, she disobeyed me and was not honoring her parents, like the Bible says. So, here's what ended up happening. I walked into her room and she was laying on her bed reading a magazine. I stood there for a second, then told her 'Rachel. What you did was very disrespectful. The Bible says honor your father and mother. I asked you to feed the cat and you disobeyed me. You need to be spanked, Rachel.' Rachel put down her magazine and looked up and said, 'No mom! Not a spanking! I'll go feed the cat right now!' 'Yes, I expect you to. After I give you the spanking of course...' 'You're mean, mom!' 'No I'm not, Rachel. You need to behave like a good girl. If a child does not behave like they are supposed to, they need to be disciplined and corrected to behave better. So its my job to correct you, you know that. I'll be in kitchen cooking dinner. When you are ready to apologize and receive your spanking, come out.'" Joyce looks intrigued. "That's interesting, Caryl. If it were me I'd burst right in there and start spanking her bottom." "Well, I believe that a child should always accept their punishment. They learn that they earned it and are responsible for it happening." "That is a good idea." Evelyn compliments. "Thank you." "So then what?" Joyce asks. "Well, I went into the kitchen and started preparing dinner. We were eating lasagna that night. About 5 minutes later, Rachel walked into the kitchen. 'I'm sorry mom. I'll go feed the cat.' 'But first, Rachel... you know what's coming.' 'Mom... do you have to spank me?' 'Yes. Now are you ready?' 'Okay.' I grabbed a stool and brought it to the center and sat down. 'Do I have to bend over your knee, mom?' 'Yes. That's how a spanking is given in this house.' 'Fine. Is it going to hurt a lot?' 'I suppose it will, yes. Spankings are supposed to hurt enough to make the child sorry. It will be over soon and you can move on. But for now, Rachel, yes, it will be painful. Are you ready?' Rachel shook her head yes, and approached me. I guided her across my lap. She was wearing a skirt so I turned it up. 'Now, Rachel, as your mother, I am spanking you so that you learn. Here I go... ready...' she didn't say anything, I think she was nervous. I started spanking her, kind of mildly. Then I started to spank her very hard. Usually when I spank, I like to build up, start slow and mild and go faster and faster and spank harder and harder. She started to cry halfway through, which lets me know its working. I finished up the spanking and she stood up, wiped the tears from her face, and starting rubbing her bottom. 'Rachel, that was for your own good. You earned that spanking and it was my duty to give you that spanking. Now go feed the cat and get ready for dinner. We're having lasagna.' And that's how it happened." "Wow, great story, Caryl." Joyce says. "Do you always spank her in the over the knee position?" Evelyn asks Caryl. "Yes. That's how I believe spanking should be done. It is the most secure and formal way of doing it. Lets your child know they are being disciplined and lets the parent have full control. I grew up with the over the knee, and now Rachel is." "Same here, Caryl. My 3 daughters are very familiar with my lap." "I think I'll start doing that more with my 2 boys." "You should. It works very well. Spanking doesn't have to a horrible experience, at least not for the parent." "Yes. They'll respect you for it. Just the other day Emily was being very mouthy to with her friends around, and I told her 'Emily, do you want me to bend you over my knee and spank you?'" She shaped up quickly. Her friends knew that she had a real mom, one that knew how to discipline. I think its important." "Yes, Rachel is really turning out great." "Here's to being a mom!" "Here! Here!" All 3 yell, toasting their glasses of ice tea.
"Time Traveling into the 50's- Bad Idea?"

"Time Traveling into the 50's- Bad Idea?"

"I still don't know how you got here, but you're welcome to stay with our family." A portrait perfect mother stands addressing her new guest, who wears clothing typical to the far future of 2004. Somehow, Kayla had managed to travel back in time from the 2000's to the 1950's. Don't ask me how... I'm just the narrator... "I'm as confused as you. I stepped into this refrigerator looking thing and when I walked out, everything was different. I don't even know where I am!" "Oh, you poor thing... until you remember, I want to be a part of our family. My name is Ruth, but a girl of your age should either call me Mrs. Johnson, or simply mother or mom. Whichever you like." "Mother?" "Well, if you are going to stay with our family, and you have no parents as you say, I can be your mother until you find them." "Okay... whatever..." "Its important for every girl and boy to have a mother, and a father. You can call my husband father or dad if you'd like. His name is Tom. What is your name again sweetie?" "Kayla." "That's a funny name. I've never heard of anyone with that name before. You are unique." "I'm from the future. Lots of girls are named Kayla. Not so many named Ruth..." And so Kayla became part of Ruth and Tom Johnson's family. She embraced the slowed down 1950's culture. Her afternoons were filled with ice cream socials, drive-in movie theaters, and very boring and uncomplicated dancing. She kept her clothes, of course, as she couldn't stand to wear a dress, and it seemed as if most girls at that time wore dresses. Black and white was all the rage, both in television sets and in social equality, as the Christian suburban families did not yet trust their African American neighbors. Swearing was kept to a minimum, in fact, zero. Only the rebels used bad language. Only the rebels smoked. Only the rebels had fun, in Kayla's eyes. Her "siblings," a 10 year old boy and 12 year old girl, kept life uninteresting. Kayla was used to the freedom, the expression, of the 2000's. But these people kept to the family, went to church every week, and cared more about school than about fun! And what bothered her most was that all the kids, both young and teenage, respected their parents and blindly obeyed their every word. "They're brainwashed!" She thought. "Why do they listen to their parents?" Kayla, sitting in her uniform wearing school (she had managed to talk the teacher into letting her keep her clothes, on account of the time traveling and all), decided enough was enough. She wanted to bring the enlightened year 2000 to this drab 1950's setting. Kayla turned to the girl sitting next to her and initiated a conversation. "Hey, let's go find Smitty and his friends after school. They seem cool." The girl didn't answer. "Hey, Catherine? I'm talking to you..." Catherine turned her head. "We aren't allowed to talk. I don't want to get in trouble. My parents would be awful sore if I got into trouble at school." The teachers voice was heard, telling them to quiet down. "Geez.." Kayla thought. The schoolbell rang and Kayla got some of her friends together. She talked them into going to the alley behind the ice cream parlor, instead of inside the parlor itself. In the alley, Smitty and his gang of boys hung out, drank alcohol, and played cards. Kayla showed her friends how to flirt. Smitty liked this. "You're pretty swell, Kayla." "In my time we say I'm pretty hot..." "Hot? How can you be hot wearing those clothes?" "Oh... I love you guys..." Suddenly, Frederick, an African American boy, walked by. Kayla yelled out. "Hello! Want to hang out? We're playing cards." "What are you doing inviting that ni--" "No! Don't say it! In my time blacks and whites are equal. We figured out that skin color is only defined by a thing called melanin in the skin. He's just as normal as we are." So they accepted Frederick. But a coupe adults, a man and woman, walked by and saw them having fun. "What are you kids doing? Nice children like you! Playing cards! Drinking alcohol! Associating with that black child!" "Hey! Lighten up psychos! We're just having fun! We aren't gonna get drunk. We are just playing poker, and this kid is as normal as you two, in fact, I like him a hell of a lot more than you two! Now why don't you two mind your own fucking business, okay!" "Huh! The language!" The lady yells. "Where are your parents?" "In the year 2004." The teens behind her high five each other, which she had taught them. The lady looks angry and spots a girl she knows. "Catherine! You'd better tell me who this girl's parents are! In fact, if you don't, I'm telling your parents that you were here! And you know what will happen to you then!" Catherine gasped. "Her mom is Ruth Johnson!" "Oh, really?" "She's not my real mom. I'm just staying with her." "Well, I think I'll pay her a visit... And Catherine, I'm still telling your parents..." The couple stormed off. Kayla laughed at their craziness, then kept on having fun. It wasn't before long that Ruth showed up. "Kayla! Come home this instant!" "Why?" "You listen to your mother!" Kayla didn't want to make a big deal out of it, since she relied on Ruth for food and shelter. So Kayla went home. Once inside, Ruth took her into the family room. "Kayla. I heard that you were with the company of a bad crowd. Not only that, but you were playing cards and drinking, probably dancing! And you were rude to your elders! That's not how a young lady your age behaves!" "Oh, I keep forgetting I'm in the 1950's... sorry. I'll try to remember next time." "Yes. You need to behave yourself. Now, because you were so rude and disobeyed our family rules, you are going to be punished." "Punished? Okay...What are you going to do? Ground me? I don't have anything! Ground me from the radio, I don't give a crap!" "The language! No... I don't know what grounding means. No, the only way to punish a child for misbehaving is with a good current-fashioned spanking!" "A spanking?" "Yes, Kayla. I'm going to have to give you a spanking." "Isn't that child abuse?" "Child abuse? What do you mean? I'm going to give you a spanking on your bottom with a paddle. Child abuse... not even... Now wait here." Ruth leaves Kayla and returns with a wooden paddle. "You are really going to spank me? I'm 16 years old!" "So? All children your age get spanked. Didn't your parents back in the 2000's spank you?" "No. They didn't believe in it." "How did they raise you? That's impossible! Well, I know better. I know that children need discipline. Now, you know what to do..." "Um, no, I don't." "Oh, that's right. You've never had a spanking before. Well, its quite simple. You turn around and bend over, grabbing your knees. You stay in that position until I'm done. I will give you 5 swats on your bottom with this paddle. You will apologize to those two people you were rude to and will never misbehave again." "Okay..." Kayla turned around and bent over, sticking her bottom mockingly towards Ruth. "Is this good?" "Yes, Kayla. You're lucky I don't bend you over my knee like some of the other parents. But we felt the paddle was more effective this way. Now, prepare yourself young lady. This is going to be very painful, but you need it." "I'm ready. Spank away..." Ruth raised back the paddle and swung down hard on Kayla's bottom. "Ouch!!!" Kayla screamed. "That hurts!" She stood up and rubbed her bottom. "Kayla, what did I tell you? Stay in position. Because you disobeyed, that swat didn't count. Now bend over..." Kayla bent over. Ruth gave her another swat. Kayla tried to hold back her moan, but she couldn't. She was hurting. Ruth gave her 3 more swats. Kayla started to cry, trying to pretend she was back home in the 2000's. "Last one." Ruth gave Kayla her final swat, extra hard. Kayla dropped the floor after, rubbing her bottom and crying. "Kayla, you need to be a good girl. Naughty girls get spanked. My children know that. That's why they are perfect. They don't want to get a spanking because they know how much it hurts. So now you know. You're lucky those two you were sassy too didn't spank you on the spot. They should have. Now let's go apologize. I'll tell them that you received a spanking for what you did. They'll understand. Ruth brought Kayla to the couple's house. "Hello, Rebecca. I brought Kayla to apologize." Ruth pushed Kayla towards them. "I brought her home and gave her a spanking." Good. A child like that needs a good spanking. If you don't mind, Ruth, I'd like to administer one myself. She needs to learn to respect her elders, even if they aren't her parents. This will help her learn, knowing even adults that aren't her parents can function as them." "Good idea, Rebecca. Okay, Kayla, you heard her." "What?" Kayla asks. Rebecca, sitting on a couch, motions for Kayla, "Now I don't have a paddle, like your mother, so I'll just use my hand. We'll do it like all the other moms and dads do it. Come over my knee..." "Over your knee?" "Yes, bend over my lap." "How do I do that?" "I'll show you..." Rebecca takes Kayla and pulls her across her lap. "Here. Now your hips are resting on my thighs, like this, and your bottom is in proper position, perfect for the spanking. Okay, ready... feel free to kick your legs, just don't move out of position." "What is it with you people and positions?" "Hush. That kind of sassiness is what earned you this spanking in the first place. Now, ready..." "I guess... lets get this over with..." Rebecca starts spanking Kayla swiftly and forcefully, rotating on buttcheeks. "Wow. These shorts make it easy to spank! Not like those dresses you have to turn up! It shapes the bottom nicely!" "I know!" Ruth answers. "It was a breeze finding a target when I used my paddle earlier." Kayla lies there helplessly as a lady she barely knew slapped her bottom over and over again. "Oh! Ouch! This is really embarrassing! Stop!" "We aren't done yet. A well spanked child will be crying..." Kayla didn't want to cry, but she felt she had no choice. The tears started flowing and she started kicking her legs and screaming, hoping to end it. She was successful, as Rebecca stopped and let her up. "There. Now you've gotten your discipline for misbehaving. Its been a while since I spanked a child. I have to say, you were the toughest one I spanked. Usually they start crying immediately. "Well, I am 16..." Kayla said, rubbing her bottom. "I've spanked teenagers before. They cry just as much as the young children do. Spankings hurt the bottom and the pride. Its how children should be raised." "Whatever." Kayla says. "Kayla, be careful. I'm sure you don't want a third spanking. And you're heading for another one with that attitude. Your bottom must be plenty sore right now, but I'll still spank it if I need to." Kayla was about to say something witty, but stopped. She had figured out why everyone was so boring and entertaining in the 1950's.
"Thoughts of a Naughty Child"
"Thoughts of a Naughty Child"
"Cindy... Come here young lady... I know what you did! Your gonna get a spanking!" A spanking! Oh no! I have to hide! I'll try to pantry... dinner isn't for a few hours. I hear her walk past the kitchen. Phew. I think I made it. But I can't stay in here forever, I'll head for the front door and try to go to Nina's house. Okay... one, two, go! Run, run, come on... oh, no, mom's coming back. The nursery, that's it! Phew. I think mom missed me. "Cindy! Where are you! I mean it! Come out here!" She sounds mad. I really don't want to get a spanking! It hurts so much! I didn't mean to do it... Oh no... I hear footsteps. The closet! Quick, close the door... Phew! I can hear mom entering. Okay, she left. Good. Maybe I'll stay in here for a while. Is that mom's sewing machine? She said she was going to do some sewing! Oh no! I've got to get out of here too! Okay, I need to be quiet so I don't wake the baby... let's peek outside. There's mom! Can't go out now! Wait, she's going back downt the hall. The front door! Hurry! Okay, I'll just go to Nina's house... I wish I could drive, but I'm only 11 years old! I wish mom would treat me like a big girl! I hate getting spanked all the time! Oh no! Mom's coming back... She'll hear me... Can't go back to the nursery... ummm... this way! Oh no, I'm going to get cornered if I stay here... I'll try the bathroom! That'll help maybe. But then I'll be trapped too. I hate this house! Nowhere to hide! Oh, no here she comes... I've got to run quietly... tip toe tip toe... "Cindy! There you are!" Oh no! Caught! "Come here! You're getting a big ol' spanking!" Oh no! Let go! Oh!... She's taking me somewhere... hopefully it'll take a while to get there... she's heading for that little table? Oh no! Now she's sitting down... Maybe if I struggle she'll know how much I hate it and will decide not to... "Cindy! Stop struggling! You are going over my knee no matter what! Now bend over my lap like a good girl..." Oh no! There's no turning back! I'd better just listen to her... ugh... its going to hurt so much! My poor bottom! I know this feeling, bent over her big lap, my arms and legs dandling, my bottom sticking in the air. Is there anything more embarrassing? Oh, no... what's she doing?... "I'm pulling your panties down, Cindy. This spanking is going to be on your bare bottom!" Oh no! Not a bare bottom spanking! Oh.. .she's grabbing my panties... I feel them sliding down. Oh, man! This is embarrassing! She can see my bare bottom! She can see my butt crack and everything... ugh... now she's going to spank it and I'll feel her hand on my skin! I hate this! How does she not get embarrassed doing this? "Cindy, this is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you..." Yeah right! Its going to hurt me a lot! The only thing that's going to hurt you is your hand! My whole bottom is going to be on fire! I hope Nina doesn't find out about this... Oh no... she's getting ready... here it comes... [SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK]Aaaauuuugggghhhh! Oh it hurts so much! [SMACK SMACK SMACK] AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHH! MY BUTT! Why does she spank so HARD! OUCH! [SMACK SMACK SMACK] Its almost over... its almost over... its almost over... [SMACK SMACK SMACK] Oh good... she stopped... Owe... my bottom... wait... what's she doing? "Sorry, I was taking a rest. Ready?..." [SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK] NOOOOOO!!! NOT MORE!!! MY BOTTOM! [SMACK SMACK SMACK] OUCH! Oh... I think shes' done. "There. You deserved that, Cindy. I hate having to spank you, but its my job. I'm your mother. You'll understand when you're a mother and you have to spank your kids. You're free to go." Ouch! My bottom still hurts... and I'm crying... I hate my mom! Ouch! Why did I do that! I got a spanking! Ouch! Oh... my panties are still down... I didn't even know... Better pull them up... I think my bottom is red... why does she spank so hard? My bottom... ouch! I just got a spanking! Ouch! I just got a spanking!
"Geez... Christina's a little brat!" Edmund says to his friend Al. Edmund and all sit on a sidewalk in suburbia, backpacks set aside, planning on a after-school game of marbles. "I know. Just look at her..." Al says to his friend. Both gaze across the street at a group of girls. In the center is Christina, a pretty 13 year old girl. Christina is busying herself doing impressions of different kids in the class. Her impressions are not very good, but her charisma makes all the other girls laugh with her. "I wish she didn't go to our school. She can be so mean." "Yeah, I know. She's a little rich girl, I bet. Her mommy and daddy just give her anything she wants. I mean, look at that backpack she's wearing. That has to cost a lot of money! Look at our backpacks!" The two boys stare down at their almost disapating book bags. "Did you get a lot of homework?" "Yeah. Of course." On the other side of the street, Christina pulls out a new necklace. "See! I told you! My mom gave it to me for my birthday!" "You're so lucky!" Another girl adds. "Yeah... I know. You wish you could be me, don't you? But whatever... you can't, cause I'm the only Christina around." The girls laugh. "Hey, look at those two boys over there! Lets have some fun with them." Christina whispers something into her friend's ear. Her friend walks across the street to Edmund and Al. "Oh great, here comes one of her friends..." Al says. "Hey boys. What are you doing?" "Nothing." "Nothing?" "Yes. Nothing. Leave us alone." "Well, I was just going to tell you that Christina said she likes one of you..." "Who cares..." "She wants to be your girlfriend..." With that, she runs back to Christina. Al and Edmund sit. "Do you think she was serious?" Edmund says to Al. "Are you serious? We were just saying how much we hate her!" "Al, I have to tell you something. As annoying as she is, I think she's cute." "Well, yeah, she is pretty. Every boy in our class knows that." "You don't like her?" "I like what she looks like. But I can't stand her!" "I like what she looks like enough to stand her..." The two gaze at Christina. Christina starts to walk over. "Oh, dude! Here she comes!" Edmund says. "Hey boys..." Christina says. "What are you up to?" "Nothing." "Do you like me?" "No." "Why not?" Both boys are silent. Finally, Edmund answers, "You're kind of mean to everyone." "Me? Mean! Ha! I'm not mean. I'm cool. And guess what, do you want to hang out with me? Edmund, I think you want to be my boyfriend... or maybe you Al..." "I do!" Edmund yells before Al could get a chance too, even though Al wasn't planning on saying anything. "You do? Well, you can be my boyfriend... if you bow down to me..." Christina smiles. "You're joking." Al says. "Okay... fine... bye boys..." Christina walks back and all the girls start laughing. "Okay, now I can't stand her." Edmund says. The two boys sit in frustration. "But I still think she's hot." "Yeah, I do too. But annoying..." The two boys watch the girls go about their activities again. Suddenly, a man approaches the girls, looking very angry. He holds a wooden paddle in his hand. "Christina!" The girls stop talking and Christina turns. "Daddy?" Edmund and Al see this and focus in. "Dude... look..." They watch the scene in front of them. "Daddy, what are you doing here?" Christina asks. "Christina! I told you to come home from school immediately! Your grandmother was coming to visit. But now she left already! I told you several times, right after school to come right home! And you disobeyed me!" "Daddy... I was just hanging out with my friends..." "What's that?" A girl asks Christina's father. "This? This is a paddle. Its for giving naughty girls spankings!" "You're going to spank Christina?" "Yes, as soon as we get home! Now let's go Christina!" "No!" Her father begins to walk Christina home, holding on to her arm. "Daddy, no! I'm not going!" Christina rips away from his hold and starts heading back to her friends, trying to pretend nothing is happening. Her father rushes over. "That's it. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this!" Her father grabs her arm and turns her away from him, preparing to spank her. "No, daddy! What are you doing?" "I'm going to spank you in front of all your friends!" The girls watch in silence, as do Edmund and Al. "Is he really going to spank her? Awesome!" Edmund says to Al. "I know how embarrassing this is for you, but you asked for it!..." Her father begins spanking her. She is wearing a tiny skirt, hardly a shield for the wooden paddle swatting her bottom. Christina starts screaming immediately, making a scene. Everyone watches as her father administers 5 good whacks with the paddle over her skirt. Christina jumps up, down, and around, grabbing her bottom and rubbing it, trying to get rid of the pain. Tears flow from her eyes and her face turns red from embarrassment, as red as her bottom. "Now lets go home Christina. I'm going to give you another spanking when we get there. And I'm considering paddling your bare bottom this time!" Christina sobs and walks home with her father, away from her friends and enemies. "I can't believe Christina just got a spanking! I didn't think hot girls got spanked by their parents!" Edmund says. "Yeah! She was all crying and stuff! That was awesome. I'm so glad we go to see her getting a spanking." "I guess she's not such a spoiled little brat after all." "No, she is. Its just that her parents also believe in spanking..."