This site contains some of the best spanking drawings out there. I have chosen to narrate each drawing, mostly through short story (maybe some prose or "experimental" storytelling), to make the drawings come alive. If this offends you, I'm not offended (you can even let me know that it offends you). If you enjoy this site, that's what I made it for. I am not one to write "erotica," but I do enjoy writing. Though these stories are fetish material, they are not meant to be overly sexual. They also do not portray any extreme behaviors such as physical or sexual abuse (although those with anti-spanking sentiments would deem any sort of corporal punishment to be "physical abuse"). Many of these stories are inspired from past experiences, others strictly imaginative. Some are more descriptive than other. Some of the stories are strictly about describing the spanking, while others take more of an artistic approach. My goal is to make the stories realistic, yet enjoyable to read. Most of the drawings came from the wonderful website www.thehandprints.com. Also featured in this website are stories by various contributors also under pseudonyms, which are credited in the title. Any stories without any credits are written by myself.
If you wish to contact me, my e-mail address is urjaywall5@yahoo.com
I am also on the Yahoo Messanger sometimes. It is urjaywall5
You can contact me to talk about anything, even criticize me (I don't mind, either constructive or destructive). Or, if you have an idea for a story or have a drawing you think I could use, send me that. I enjoy feedback, since I don't meet many people with a similar interest.
If you are an artist who's drawing I feature on this website and wish to receive credit, e-mail me at urjaywall5@yahoo.com and I will gladly give you credit on this website. (some of these drawings are anonymous, so I do not know the true artist)
This website is also a work in progress. I will occasionally be adding more stories that I come up with (or any contributions). I had to transfer all the stories and pictures from my last website, which is no longer available. Therefore, some of the stories written by contributors are not yet illustrated, but I'll be adding appropriate illustrations to fit the stories when I come across them again. There is also a chance that I go back and either edit or change some of the stories I have written to improve them.
So, without further ado, enjoy the stories.