"The Wicked Stepmother"

"You asked for it, young lady! Now you're gonna get it!" The door bursts open and an elderly woman and 15 year old girl enter. The elderly woman goes by the name of JoAnn, the stepmother to the young girl named Annabelle. Annabelle had lived with her father and mother for her entire life, 50 miles down the road in another town. After her mother had passed away from illness, her father and her 5 brothers all moved in with JoAnn, as her father had gotten the urge to marry her. Annabelle had hoped that this new life would be like the last, as she had been happy with her mother and father and brothers. But JoAnn soon showed her colors. The first day was all smiles and "Children, would you like any tea? Or how about some cake?" But soon, JoAnn had established her rules and established dire consequences to any child who broke them. Annabelle was one of those children. This is Annabelle's first trip into the "punishment room" as JoAnn calls it. Its really just a study area, with a few pieces of furniture, an old rocking chair, a desk, and not much else. The room was drab, and had an aura of fear about it. Annabelle had heard her brothers getting whipped in that room by JoAnn. She remembers their cries and the loud sound of the ordeals. It was inevitable that soon it would be her turn. JoAnn had been asking Annabelle to help her clean up a mess her youngest brother had made. But Annabelle, acting lazy, was set on her brother having to help clean. JoAnn claimed "Its a woman's job to make sure the house is tidy! Now you come help me this instant!" Annabelle replied simply "Hold on..." She was reading a nice little fairy tale, Cinderella. JoAnn, seeing the non compliance of Annabelle, exclaimed "That's it! I think you've just earned yourself a whipping!" Annabelle's heart dropped. JoAnn stared at her, with a look in her eyes reading 'I'm boss, you'd better listen to me.' "No! I'm sorry..." "Annabelle. It's too late. Spare the rod, spoil the child... you're acting a little spoiled right now... Now its time for me to go get my rod..." JoAnn retrieved a large bundle of switches she kept in a special spot and marched Annabelle into the punishment room. "You asked for it, young lady! Now you're gonna get it!" JoAnn storms over to the lone chair in the room and sits down. "Step-mother..." "Just mother..." "Mother... I'll help you now. I'm sorry! I don't want a whipping!" "Well, its too late. You should have behaved yourself. You need to be punished for your naughtiness. Its about time I gave you a whipping..." JoAnn unbundles the switches and starts sorting through them. She picks up one and starts whipping it in through the air, testing it out. "I don't know, this one seems a little soft..." She picks up a new one and again tries it out in the air. "Still... this one won't sting as much as what I want..." By now, Annabelle is already crying from fear. JoAnn continually tries out switches, trying to find the perfect one. "With your brothers any old thing will do, Annabelle. But for you... I need to find the perfect switch, the one that will sting your bottom the most intensely..." JoAnn picks up a thick switch and swings it. It makes a sound as it swings. She hits it against the floor. "Ooooo... this one will do... Come, Annabelle..." Annabelle is crying even louder now after seeing the actual switch that is to be used. JoAnn walks over to the desk. "Okay, Annabelle... Now bend over the desk. Just lay your stomach here..." JoAnn motions where to be positioned using the switch as a pointer. Annabelle cries and complies. JoAnn lifts up Annabelle's nightgown and folds it back, revealing Annabelle's bottom covered with bunchy underwear. JoAnn slides down her underwear, down her legs, tangling it with her socks. Annabelle's crying gets louder. "What are you doing?" "Clothing is unnatural. Children need to be whipped on their bare skin, where God intended." JoAnn positions herself off to the side, ready to administer the corporal punishment. She places the switch on Annabelle's bottom. "Ready? This will be very painful. You need to be still the entire time and take your whipping. You will receive 10 strokes on your bottom." "Nooooo..." Annabelle murmurs, choking on her tears. JoAnn lifts up the switch and the crying builds for a second. Annabelle holds her breath in anticipation. Annabelle feels nothing, nothing, nothing, suddenly a massively painful sting on her bottom as the switch comes down hard. Annabelle screams. JoAnn gives her a second, and a third. "IT HURTS! IT HURTS!" Annabelle screams as she receives her next stroke. "That's what I intended for..." JoAnn yells back, giving the fifth stroke. She gives the next 5 as Annabelle tries to ignore the pain. Suddenly, her whipping is done. Annabelle stays put. "Okay, Annabelle, you can get up. You've received your punishment. I hope you learned that you always need to obey your mother." JoAnn picks up the rest of the switches and leaves the room. Annabelle lays on the desk crying, with a marked up bottom. "You're not my mother..."
"Sunday School Lesson"

"Children, sit down and sit quietly. I'm going to tell you a story for this week's lesson. This week we are learning about Proverbs 22:15 where it says 'Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from them.' The Bible says that every one of us was foolish when we are children, and its the job of your parents to help you become less foolish." One child raises his hand. "Mrs. Nolan, what's the rod of correction mean?" All the other children join in in curiosity. "Well, the rod of correction means punishment. Boys and girls, how many of you get spankings when you're bad?" All the children raise their hands. "Well, when a parent gives their child a spanking, they are teaching them to be less foolish. One of the ten commandments is for children to obey their parents. And if they don't obey, they are being foolish. So parents make sure they obey. Let me illustrate to you what I mean." "Okay." All the children said, sitting quietly in an attentive state. "I'll tell you about a time Samantha learned this lesson. You all know my daughter Samantha..." All the children look at little Samantha, sitting quietly. "Well, like all children, Samantha disobeys sometimes. In fact, one time, I told Samantha that she had to clean her room because it was very messy. But, instead of cleaning her room, she went outside to play with her friend. Now, is that obeying your parents?" The children answer "Nooooo..." "No, it wasn't. Samantha was being foolish, like children sometimes are. She had disobeyed me. I called her inside because she was in trouble. If your mommy or daddy tells you to do something, and you disobey them, its their job to give you a spanking to correct you." "Did you give Samantha a spanking?" A little boy asks, looking at Samantha. "Yes I did. I got out the hairbrush, which Samantha knows is used for spanking. Once she saw me with it, she started to cry. See, she knew that she had disobeyed and was going to be spanked. Children, you all should hate being spanked, but the reason parents do it is because they love you and want to make sure you don't grow up to be foolish. Once I had sat down, pulled her pants down, and bent her over my lap, I began to tell her the same thing I'm telling you now. Its a parents job to make sure you aren't foolish. Parents give spankings in order to do that. I gave Samantha her spanking with the hairbrush. Of course, she cried, because spankings hurt. But afterwards, we had a talk. Samantha learned that children need to obey their parents all the time. If their parents say to do something, there is a reason for it, and they need to obey their parents and not do what they want. Even though Samantha got a spanking that day, she leanred a valuable lesson. That's my story for today, children." The children sat quitely, seeming to the get the message. Yet, like all messages, it was most likely not going to stick. Odds are, that by the end of the month, every boy and girl in that class would be getting a spanking too.
"Who's First?"
"Who's First?"
I remember when I was little, sneaking out of the house and having fun with my two older sisters, Mary and Tamara. I looked up to them, I used to love doing what they would do. I didn't think they were ever in the wrong, even when they went against what my parents would tell us. Mary, my oldest, even said one time "Oh, who cares what mom and dad think..." Actually, I remember that time very well, because it did not end so well. I was 9 years old at the time, my sister Tamara was 15, and Mary was 17. We were bored, my parents had gone to bed, and we were still up. I listened as Mary and Tamara discussed plans to go out and meet some friends outside a convinience store and hang out. I walked in and asked if I could go with them. Surprisingly, they allowed me to. So me, Mary, and Tamara all left quitely and headed to meet some of Mary's friends. I like hanging out with older kids, probably because I liked hanging out with my two older sisters. Nothing really happened, as only a few friends of Mary's showed up. They talked for a little bit, discussed trying to buy cigarrettes, but decided against it. I remember one of Mary's friends asking "How did you get to come here this late? I thought your parents had a cufrew?" "Oh, they do." Mary said. "But I doubt we'll get caught." "What happens if you do get caught?" "I don't know. Probably nothing..." Mary seemed to avoid any answers that would diminish her ego. We eventually left and returned home. I asked my sister, "Mary, why do mom and dad get mad when we go out late?" "They're afraid. Its stupid really." "But don't you want to make them happy with us?" "Oh, who cares what mom and dad think." We entered quietly. Unfortunately, my dad was up in his sleeping robe, getting a drink of water. "Girls? What are you doing?" We all froze. "Nothing." Mary said. "We just all heard something outside and went to see what it was..." "Really..." My dad said, not believing us. "Mary and Tamara, you sit on that couch for a minute. I need to talk with Rochelle," my dad said pointing at me. I went with my dad into his office. He closed the door. "Rochelle, where were you three?" "Um. Just here." "But I saw you come in, and its late, and you are all wearing your clothes that you were wearing today." "I don't know." "Rochelle, if you lie to me you're going to be in big trouble. Now tell me the truth..." I remembered my sister's words to her friend "Probably nothing...". I answered "We just went to see some of Mary's friends for a little bit. We went to Henry's Market and came back." "Thank you for being honest, Rochelle." My dad opened the door and called out to my two sisters. "Mary, Tamara, come in here now!" My sisters walked in. "Rochelle told me that you two snuck out and saw your friends at Henry's Market. Is this true?" Tamara finally answered. "Yes." Mary looked a little angry. "Yeah, we did. Just for a tiny bit. It wasn't like we were doing anything bad!" "Yes you were. You know the rules. Curfew is at 10 o'clock. Its 12:30! All three of you disobeyed me. Wait here girls, I'll be back..." My dad left. "Great... how could you squeal like that, Rochelle?" Mary said to me, angry with me. "I thought he wouldn't care. That's what you said." "I was just saying that! Of course he cares! He's crazy! Now we're all in trouble." "Do you think we'll get spanked, Mary?" Tamara asks. "Probably... It's all Rochelle's fault!" Hearing that we were probably going to get spanked made me start crying. I felt bad for my sisters, but also for me! I had only been spanked a few times by dad, and they were the worst 20 seconds of my life each time. My dad entered, carrying the big wooden paddle he used for discipline. Yep, it was going to be a spanking. "Okay, who's first?" "Dad! Come on! We didn't do anything! I just took them out for a tiny bit and we talked with some of my friends then left!" Mary argued. "You disobeyed my rules! And in this house, if you disobey the rules, you get a spanking! Why don't you go first, Mary, since it was your idea. I want your sisters to see what happens to rebellious girls in this house. Now come here and bend over the desk..." Mary sighed and walked over to the desk and bent over. My dad lifted up her skirt, revealing her pink panties. He lifted up the paddle and swung it forcefully, smacking Mary's bottom. I couldn't see her face, but I heard her yell. My dad gave her another one. I heard Mary start to cry. I looked up to Mary, and seeing how much this hurt her, I was scared for my life. My dad gave her 3 more swats, each looking more painful than the last. Mary got up rubbing her bottom. "Now go to bed Mary..." Mary left the room, still rubbing her bottom. I could see tears in her eyes. "Who's next?" My dad said. Tamara stepped up. She bent over the desk and without speaking, my dad gave her 5 hard swats on her bottom, over her panties. Tamara cried too, even louder than Mary did. It was my turn. "Well, Rochelle, your turn. For telling the truth, you are only going to get 3 swats. But next time your sisters disobey, don't disobey with them. You need to be smart at your age. Now come here..." My dad tapped the paddle on the desk. I cried and walked over, bending over the desk. I felt my dad lift up my skirt and I knew it was coming... I felt the first smack echo through my whole body, and a sharp sting on my bottom, which built the longer he waited after the swat. He gave me another one. I think I was screaming, but I don't remember. All I remember is the pain and the fear I had at getting spanked. I dreaded the last swat, but it came. I was glad it was over, but still had the pain to deal with. I got up and rubbed my bottom, just like my older sister did. "Now go to bed Rochelle." I cried and answered "Okay..." That's what I remember. Everything else after that was unmemorable compared to that spanking. I think if you asked Mary and Tamara what happened after their spankings, they couldn't tell you either, maybe other than the fact that they heard me screaming. I still looked up to my sisters. I just wish I could not be scared of getting spanked like they were. But looking back, and talking to them now that we're older, I think they were just as scared as me. I wonder if dad hadn't summoned Mary first... who would have volunteered to go?
"I Remember This One Time..."
"I Remember This One Time..."
"Spanking? I don't think spanking is wrong. I think sometimes kids need a good spanking. I mean, nothing abusive of course, but if a kid is going to act in a way that would actually earn a spanking, they need to be spanked!" Angela, a 24 year old woman, sits in a coffee shop with her best friend Teresa. "So you don't think spanking is wrong? I don't either, for the record, although it seems like a lot of people do... did you get spanked growing up?" Angela raises her eyebrows slightly, very warmly. "Yes. I got spanked. I needed them too. But I only got spanked a few times that I can remember." "Really? Your mom seems like she's a very conservative woman. Usually conservative parents spank more often, too often if you ask me." "Yeah, its funny though. My mom is totally pro-spanking. Spare the rod spoil the child. Use corporal punishment. That whole thing. She knew all the language, she suggested it to her friends, and she threatened to use it on me and my sister all the time. But she actually hardly ever even used it. I think it was because I behaved myself. Like I said, I only got spanked a few times that I can remember, and they taught me a lesson!" "So your mom was pro-spanking... yeah, usually I see moms who use spanking, but are ashamed of the fact that they use it." "Not my mom. She would tell people, 'if your child misbehaves, sometimes you need to take them over your knee and administer a good spanking.'" "Over your knee?" "Yes, over the knee. That's what she used to call it. Its when you take your child across your lap and spank their bottom with your hand. I guess its like the 'official' way of giving a spanking, according to my mom." "You're lucky you rarely got spanked. Did it hurt?" "Yes, it hurt. I remember this one time, when I was around 10. I think that was my last spanking I ever got. Anyway, my mom told me to go to my room because I was sassing her. I wasn't listening, and I told her 'I can do whatever I want! You're not the boss of me!' That was a mistake, showing disrespect like that. I don't know what I was thinking. Anyway, she told me 'Angela... you just earned yourself a spanking.' Of course I argued like crazy, not wanting to get a spanking. I remembered when I was much younger, how the few times I had gotten spanked they had left me crying in pain. I figured the same thing would happen at that time as well. My mom took me into the kitchen and moved a chair out and sat down. She made me pull my panties down, which she had never done before. I was crying before she even started. She took me over her knee, so I was lying completely across her lap, with my legs on one side and my arms on the other, my bare butt sticking up in the air. She didn't even say anything, she just gave me 5 hard slaps on my butt. I was crying the whole time, trying to squirm out of her lap. The spanking was over pretty quick, but it actually felt like a long time. I don't even think it hurt all that much, but I was definitely crying and I made myself think it was the worst torture in the world." "Interesting." "I don't think spanking is bad. I think it works. I think more parents should spank. I know I will when I have kids." "Well, Angela, I'm glad I brought up this conversation. It was very interesting to hear your perspective on this subject. Very interesting."
"'Sisters' and 'Spanking' Both Start With the Same Letter"
"'Sisters' and 'Spanking' Both Start With the Same Letter"
A spanking is an ordeal. Two spankings is an event. Alice and her big sister Katelyn didn't always get along. It was times like this they wish they would have. "Stop fighting you two!" Alice's mom yelled from another room. "I mean it!" Alice and Katelyn were arguing about who would get the top bunk on their new bunkbed their mother had just purchased. This in and of itself was not a huge deal. But Katelyn, angry at her little sister for not complying, resorted to namecalling. "You're stupid, Alice! I'm older, so I get to choose!" "Nah, uh! Mom said we have to agree!" "Mom is stupid! You are stupid! I get the top bunk! I'm older and better than you!" This bantering went on and on. It went from bantering, to arguing, to simply an insult contest. Their mother walked into their room. "What are you two fighting about?" "Katelyn won't let me gave the top bunk!" "Mom! I'm older! I get to choose!" "You're both acting like a bunch of little kids! Stop it! If you can't decide for yourselves, then I'll choose for you. We'll draw names from a hat." "Mom! Come on! Alice is stupid! She's just saying that because she knows I want it!" "Don't call your sister stupid, Katelyn! I mean it! If I hear one more unkind word from either of you... you're both in trouble!" Their mom leaves the room. "That's not true, Katelyn! I want the top bunk because its cool!" "No! Your such a little bitch! You know I've always wanted it if we ever got a bunk bed!" Alice walks over and kicks Katelyn in the shin. She leaves the room to find her mom standing outside, furious. "Mom! Katelyn called me the b-word!" "I know, I heard! And you kicked her! You know what... I know what will settle this..." Their mom leaves. "You snitch!" Katelyn snarls. Katelyn looks into the hallway to see their mom returning with a tiny paddle. "Oh shit... we're getting a spanking!" Katelyn informs her sister in horror. "No!..." Alice starts crying as their mom walks in with the hairbrush. "Okay... it looks like you two need a little discipline... I told you many times to stop fighting. You could have settled this like adults, but instead you are acting like kids. So both of you are getting spankings on your bottoms. Yes, Katelyn. I know you're a teenager. But you act like a kid in my house, I won't hesitate to spank you... you know that already though, from experience. Now let's go... Alice, you're firtst, since you're the youngest." Their mom brings a chair out and sets in in the middle of the room. Alice approaches her mom. "Alice, pull your panties down and bend over my lap..." Alice does so as Katelyn watches in dread and disbelief, knowing in moments she'll be the one getting spanked. Katelyn hated getting spanked growing up, but now abhors it as a teenager. Something about laying over her mommies lap, crying as her bottom is spanked repeatedly with that tiny but surprisingly painful paddle, didn't sit right with Katelyn. Alice starts receiving her spanking. Her crying builds as the smacks build. The loud sound of the paddle against the skin of her bare bottom sends shivers through Katelyn. "Okay..." Her mom lets Alice up. Alice pulls her panties up and apologizes. "I'm sorry mom..." "Say sorry to your sister." "Sorry Katelyn..." Alice walks away rubbing her bottom. But she turns as she walks away and stops, wanting to watch the spectacle of her big sister getting a spanking, one that is rarely seen, since their mom usually spanks in private. "Okay Katelyn... you know what to do... panties down and over my lap..." "Geez... mom... this is so embarassing..." "Yes, it is. And its going to hurt too!" Alice watches as her big sister pulls her panties down awkardly, shamefully, and hesitates in the motion of bending over her mom's lap. Her mom urges her forward and positions her awkwardly across her lap. With Katelyn being so big, she isn't a perfect fit like Alice is for her mom's lap. Alice thinks the sight of her sister bent over her mom's lap is funny, but no smiles emerge, as her bottom is still sore. Her mom reaches up with the paddle and Katelyn blocks her bottom yelling out "No!". Her mom moves her hand out of the way and begins the spanking. Katelyn starts screaming, mostly in a half angry half annoyed way. But the screaming turns to crying as she feels her bottom start to warm up to the stings of her mom's little paddle. A spanking for Katelyn... what a site it is for Alice. She remembers all the mean things her sister said, seeing all that attitude being spanked out of her sister. But suddenly Alice starts to feel sorry for Katelyn, seeing how bad the situation is for her at the moment. It is no fun getting spanked, as Alice had just gotten one. Katelyn is definitely not enjoying hers. But her mom stops. The spankings are done. Katelyn gets up and rubs her bottom, without pulling her panties up. "Pull your panties up, Katelyn." Her mom says as she starts to walk away. "Now you girls stop fighting!" She leaves, closing the door. Half sobbing, Katelyn turns to her sister after pulling up her panties. "Its your fault we got spankings!" "No! Its your fault!" Alice snaps back.
"I Warned You My Girl"
"I Warned You My Girl"
"I warned you my girl!
Come over to to me this instant
Come over to mother, Pearl
For you disobeyed my rules by your own intent."
Pearl cried as she knew what was to come,
Her mother sat waiting, sitting on a chair
It would be a spanking on her bum,
And that spanking would most likely be bare.
"No mother! I didn't meant to disobey!
Please don't spank my butt,
Please don't discipline me today!
I feel a bad feeling in my gut!"
That feeling, her mother knew, was fear
The fear of the spanking that was to take place
For her daughter had already begun to shed a tear.
But it was to happen, told by the look on the mother's face.
"Pearl, pull down your panties and get over my knee,
I'm going to spank your quite hard for disobeying me!"
"No mom! I promise I'll be good!
"I'll do everything a good daughter should!"
But Pearl was taken over her mother's lap,
Her bottom bared, in perfect position
With her bottom in the air, awaiting the first slap
It was far too late for Pearl, her mother was on a mission.
The spanking began strong, five hard slaps to the bum,
Pearl let out a cry, as the pain began to grow
While Pearl's butt was on fire, her mother's hand was numb
To give a proper spanking, this the mother had come to know.
Spank after spank Pearl received
And tear after tear Pearl let pour,
It was for her own good, her mother believed,
This wasn't enough though, Pearl needed more.
There Pearl lay, bent over the lap, like a child,
Receiving a good old fashioned, over the knee spanking,
This spanking was the farthest thing from mild,
If pain was a dial, her mother kept on cranking.
"Ouch! Mommy! I didn't mean to get a referral!"
"Its too late now! I warned you my girl!"