"Laetitia's Defiance- Part 1: The Last Chance" [Written by Siegfried]
"Laetitia's Defiance- Part 2: The Bad Choice" [Written by Siegfried]
"Laetitia's Defiance- Part 2: The Bad Choice" [Written by Siegfried]

They are the most overlooked people on the Earth
They are the only people able to give birth
They are the women that take care of the home
They are the women that raised the mightiest in Rome
These women are our mothers, the ones who take care of us
They take care of husband and children, and teach us not to cuss
They go by mommy, mom, mother, momma, or sometimes ma'am
Or their true identity, Susan, Emily, Katherine, Donna, or Pam
Any father will tell you that raising kids alone would be something they could not do
For the key factor in child rearing is the presence of the mother, but this is nothing new
And for all the boys and girls in the world, remember to obey the rules, spring, summer, winter, and autumn
Or mommy will take you to a chair, turn you over her knee, and spank your little bottom
"Mother's Day 2"

There are many types of moms.
There are the moms who use the over the knee method for spanking. These moms have their children bend over their lap and they spank their bottom with their hand. And these moms always have hands that can sting.
There are the moms who, when their children are misbehaving, march to the kitchen and grab a wooden spoon. They then proceed to spank their child's bottom a few times with that spoon, the child apologizing the whole time. They then return to the kitchen to put away the spoon, with their children's bottom feeling that beesting.
There are the moms that keep a paddle somewhere, the dreaded paddle. When their child gets in trouble, they know that mom is going to make them bend over and receive swats, each one more painful than the last.
There are moms that know a second use for a hairbrush. They know that the wooden backs of the hairbrushes make a great flat surface to administer a spanking on the bottom, fulfilling the second part of the dictionary definition of spanking "striking the bottom with an open hand or flat object."
There are the hardcore moms who get out the belt for naughty children. They instill fear, respect. They know how to get their children to behave.
There are the moms who have a switch, and commence the spanking dance, the child jumping around as that switch stings their bottom. Or, even worse, there are the moms that have their children go out to the yard to pick out a switch that will soon be stinging their own bottom.
There are the young moms who are nervous about raising kids. They decide that every once in a while a little spank on the bottom with the hand can work wonders.
There are young moms who are full fledged spankers. Instinct kicked in once they became a mom and they new just what to do, after all, it was how they were raised. So now their children get to be raised just like mommy, with lots of spankings.
There are moms who are taught to spank, use a wooden spoon or small paddle, spank only to teach, spank out of love. And they make the spanking their own, adding their style and flair to the procedure.
There are moms who have no idea how to spank, and figure it out as they go. Maybe this strap could make a bottom sting? Flip flops hurt when they smack against you, I bet this on my child's bottom could work!
There are older moms, mature moms, who spoil their children. But an occasional spanking does occur. They will soulfully coax their child over their lap and administer a little spanking, spreading their wisdom through the palm of their hand.
There are older moms who are old fashioned, who believe children should respect their elders. A misbehaving child needs to have a sore bottom. No exceptions, if you misbehave, you will get a good spanking.
There are moms who spank their children young, shaping them to behave as adults. They know that children are foolish and make mistakes, do naughty things, and need to be taught to behave, with a spanking.
There are moms who believe that teenagers and their attitude are not acceptable. If a teenager challenges this mom, this mom won't hesitate to get out the paddle and make the teen feel like they are a little kid, crying as they get their bottom spanked.
Moms in every country around the world spank in their own way. Moms in every era of history have spanked in their own way. And in the future, moms around the world will spank in their own way.
There are many types of moms.
"Spanked at Church (A.K.A. The Practical Sermon)"

"Oh my gosh! What is going to happen!" Johnny says, trying to pretend all would be okay. He fidgets as he awaits his doom. Carrie cries, her hands folded up to her face. "Are you praying, Carrie?" She might as well have been. "No, I'm scared!" SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK... the spanks drown out as the second child is disciplined.
Back it up.
"What are you children doing?" Mrs. Jennings says, staring at the children who are playing inside the shed next to the church. "What did I tell you about playing in the shed!" The children stare. "I said no playing in the shed!" Johnny shows Mrs. Jennings a rake. "We were just looking at the tools, Mrs. Jennings." "What you were doing was directly disobeying the rules! All 4 of you, come with me!"
"What happened Johnny?" Johnny's father asks. "We went to look in the shed, me Mary, Elizabeth and Carrie." "I thought you weren't allowed to?" "Mrs. Jennings caught us and she gave us a spanking?" "A what?-" His father hesitates. "Well, I guess you got what you deserved."
"No! No!" Mary screams as several hard spanks land on her bottom. "We're almost done, Mary. Stay still. "But it hurts!" "Yes, it does hurt. Spankings are supposed to hurt. Now stay still-" Mrs. Jennings lays several hard spanks on Mary's bare bottom, Mary squealing each time. Mrs. Jennings stops and lets Mary up. "Now wait there."
Carrie walks in the park with Johnny. They are teenagers, wearing teenage clothes and eating teenage ice cream (the kind non-sugarless). Johnny kisses Carrie on the cheek and Carrie smiles. They hold hands and keep walking. "Hey, Carrie, remember when we got in trouble in Sunday school that one time?" Carrie looks up at him. "Yeah. That was a long time ago." "I still can't believe Mrs. Jennings gave us all a spanking! That was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me!" Carrie shrugs, clearly bothered. "What's wrong?" "I still have very bad memories about that."
"NEXT" Mrs. Jennings yells. Crying is heard from inside the private room. "Next, please." Johnny and Carrie stare at each other, Carrie's eyes already wet from tears. Mrs. Jennings gets up and walks out. She grabs Carrie's arm. "Okay, you're next, Carrie, come on." Carrie cries as she is brought into the room. Johnny looks through the window to see what is to come. Mrs. Jennings sits down on the chair. Mary and Elizabeth are both crying, Mary's panties still down and Elizabeth sitting in the corner. "Mary and Elizabeth have both been punished and now its your turn." "Why?" Carrie asks. "Carrie, you disobeyed and went into the tool shed. The Bible says that children need to be corrected for things like that." "It does?" Carrie asks. "Yes. Don't your mommy and daddy spank you?" "No." Carrie says. "Well, its about time you were disciplined, then. Now, I want you to pull your panties down and bend over my lap." "What? Why?""That is how spankings are done." Carrie looks around. "On my bare bottom?" "Yes." Mrs. Jennings grabs Carrie and lifts up her dress, getting a hold of her waistband on her panties and she yanks them down. Carrie covers herself in embarrassment. Mrs. Jennings proceeds and bends Carrie over her lap.
"This is weird." Carrie says as she lays across Johnny's lap, completely naked. "Honey, you said you wanted to spice up our marriage. And you were the one who thought it would be sexy to play spanking." "Play spanking. I thought it would be fun. But it is weird." "Come on. Don't you remember those days, getting spankings?" "I only got spanked once." "The time with Mrs. Jennings." "Yes." "I always have thought it was sexy to see girls get spanked, or hear about them." Carrie gets up. "Really?" "Yeah. Well, ever since that Sunday School incident." Carrie looks at Johnny's lap again. She lays across his lap aggressively. "Spank me!"
"Don't spank me!" Elizabeth yells at Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. Jennings looks at Elizabeth with surprise. "Child, you disobeyed and need correction. Doesn't the Bible say so?" Elizabeth looks at the ground. "Yes." "And don't your mommy and daddy spank you when you are bad?" "Yes." "So, pull her panties down and bend over my lap." "But you aren't my mommy!" "I am your Sunday School teacher! I am responsible for raising you here at church! Now you don't want me to tell your mommy and daddy that you were bad after I spank you, do you? They'll spank you again!" Elizabeth nods. She reaches up her skirt and slides her panties down slowly. Mrs. Jennings pats her lap and Elizabeth leans over it. Mrs. Jennings holds her in place, shifting her to the perfect over the knee position, textbook. "Now, I am going to say a prayer for you, that this will learn from this." Mrs. Jennings closes her eyes, still holding Elizabeth over her knee. "Dear Lord, please help this girl avoid sin and behave like a good girl. She has disobeyed and sinned, and is being corrected under your guidance. Lord, let my spanks be deliberate and severe so that, through the pain she will learn to obey. Amen." Amen was the trigger word, as Elizabeth now knew the spanking was imminent. She begins to sob, her tears held up like a dam ready to burst. Mrs. Jennings lifts her arm back and swings down, slapping Elizabeth's bottom very hard. This is quickly followed by a series of rapid spanks, Elizabeth screaming through the entire thing. Mary watches as Mrs. Jennings gives Elizabeth a full on spanking. Elizabeth has never been spanked this hard before.
"You spank hard, Mrs. Jennings." Elizabeth shyly says, sitting in Sunday school. Mrs. Jennings doesn't know whether to smile or frown. "Excuse me?" "Last week when you gave me a spanking, you spanked me super hard and it hurt. My mom doesn't hurt that much when I get a spanking. And she never has pulled my panties down." "Well, that is how I was raised. That is how all children should be raised." Elizabeth gets up and walks over to Mrs. Jennings. "Your lap is comfortable." Mrs. Jennings raises an eyebrow. "Can I sit on your lap?"
Johnny walks into the room. "Okay, Johnny, the last spanking of the day. Are you ready?" Johnny looks at Carrie who is now climbing off of Mrs. Jennings' lap. Carrie is fully exposed for a few seconds before she realizes this and pulls her panties up. She rubs her bottom in pain. "How was it?" Johnny whispers. "She makes you lay on her lap and spanks your bare bottom. Its so weird." Carrie walks away. Mrs. Jennings looks up snidely at Johnny. Johnny knows that he is about to be bent over a random woman's lap and spanked on his bare behind, but somehow it doesn't bother him that much. The prayer, however, was a little creepy.
"Hey, we should check out the tool shed?" Mary looks at Johnny. "Why?" "There might be cool stuff!" Elizabeth kicks the ground. "We might get in trouble. We aren't allowed to." "But why not? Its just tools!" Carrie walks up to Johnny and stands beside him. "Come on, it will be fun. And who cares if we get in trouble! What is Mrs. Jennings going to do? Spank us?"
"What should I do if the children misbehave?" A younger Mrs. Jennings asks old Mrs. Young. Mrs. Young, in her 70's, knows old fashioned child rearing like the back of her hand, or the palm to the bottom of her hand. "You follow the Bible, don't you?" "Yes, of course. I am new to the whole Sunday School teaching." "What does the Bible say about disobedient children?" "They need to be disciplined. So should I put them in a corner?" "The Bible clearly says that we are to spank our children. Spank them. Give them a firm over the knee spanking, on their bare bottom. They need to feel it. They need to be chastised. They need to know that you are in control of them and are capable of correcting their naughtiness."
And correct their naughtiness she did. And the congregation stands and says "Amen."
"My Sister Did It!"

We were discussing responsibility in Sunday School today. The Sunday school teacher asked, "Sometimes life is unfair but you need to be responsible about bad things that happen and make the best of them. Has anything unfair ever happened to you?" And of course all of the kids started spurting out answers, by raising their hands and answering. My friend said something funny, that the referee in their basketball game called out of bounds on their team when they weren't anywhere near that ball, and they lost because of that. I was in 5th grade, so sports were a big thing. Girls were beginning to become curious to me, and I didn't know why. I remember there was this girl in 9th grade at church. But she didn't go to our Sunday School, she went in the big high school one. We were elementary school kid, those high schoolers were so much cooler. I remember all the boys used to hang around her and flirt with her. And she was really stuck up. She was the coolest kid at church and she hung out with all the older high schoolers. Her sister was a year younger than me and I didn't care about her at all, but her sister was really cool. Anyway, her sister, the one younger than me, was in that Sunday School class and she raised her hand. She was kind of shy but was upset and wanted to vent to the teacher. "What unfair thing happened to you?" She began. "Well, me and my sister were at home and my sister did something bad and my dad didn't know which of us did it and asked us who did it. My sister kept lying saying she didn't do it and I didn't do it so I kept saying it too. And my dad gave both of us a spanking even though I didn't do it." The teacher gave some empathy, but not much. "Oh, yes, that happens, getting blamed for another's sins. We need to take responsibility and be a good example. You need to tell your sister that she needs to be responsible and admit to her sins." I really didn't pay attention to what the teacher was saying. At first I was imagining that girl getting spanked, the one who answered, but then I realized, her sister is that really cool 9th grade girl. She got a spanking! I couldn't believe it! She gets spanked like everyone else! How embarrassing for her! Later, in free time, I went up to that girl in 4th grade. I asked her if the spanking hurt. She answered "Yeah! It hurt really bad! My dad spanks really hard. And I didn't even do it! My sister did and we both got spanked!" I then asked, "Did you see your sister get spanked?" She answered "No. He sent us both to our rooms and spanked us both in our room. I heard her get a spanking though." "Did she cry?" I asked. "Yeah. She always cries when she gets spanked. She was screaming and telling my dad to stop because it hurt." I wanted to ask more but her parents arrived to pick her up. After church I was walking around and guess who I saw? I saw her older sister, the cool one, sitting against a wall with some friends. I was way too scared to go up and ask her about the spanking. But I knew a younger kid who would do anything. I told him to go ask about her spanking. He was in 3rd grade, very friendly, in an annoying way, but a kid you couldn't be mean to. He walked up to the girl and her friends and tapped her on her leg to get her attention. "Yeah?" The girl sharply said to the young kid. "Your sister said that you were bad and you got a spanking." Her face blushed. Jackpot, I thought. Her friends laughed. "So?" She answered. "Did it hurt?" "No." She answered, snarkly. "But your sister said you were crying." The girl laughed shyly, her friends all smiling. "Just go play with your friends." The little kid then ran off after being told off by the girl. But I snuck in and listened closely. I knew her friends would ask. "You get spanked?" One of her friends asked."Yeah, duh. You don't?" "When I was little." Another friend adds in. "Her mom and dad are the ones that lead that Bible study. They know all about the Bible and they always are praying and stuff for people at church. They seem like they are really serious. They are all strict and stuff, huh?" "Yeah, I guess." The girl admits. "So how did you get spanked? Do you get the belt?" The girls all were very inquisitive, to my delight. They smiled and waited for an answer. "No, he just made me bend over my bed and he spanked me with a wooden spoon on my butt. That's how my parents do it. They're weird." "Oh my gosh, my mom does that too! When we were little we called it the spanking spoon!" Another girl exclaimed, giggling. "Was it on your bare butt?" My heart skipped a beat, waiting for an answer to that question. "Yeah." The girl shyly giggles, embarrassed yet willing to admit it. "Wow, I didn't think you get spanked still." "I got spanked last year!" A friend adds in. "I got the paddle! That thing hurts!" The girls all started talking about spankings then suddenly their parents came and broke them up, as it was time to leave. But all I could think about was that girl being bent over her bed, getting spanked on her bare bottom, crying the whole time. And I know that's what happened. Her sister said so, and she admitted it! Wow, what a day that was.