"That's What It's There For"

Mrs. Reynolds had just finished spanking her daughter. Her daughter had disobeyed her by not turning off the television when she had asked, three times in a row. Mrs. Reynolds then proceeded to stand her daughter up, turn her around, and give her a thorough hand spanking. In the midst of spanking her daughter, as her daughter whined and cried, Mrs. Reynold's came to an epiphany. As she felt her hand on her daughter's bottom again and again with each spank, she realized that her daughter may not be getting the full punishment. Her daughter was 11 years old and did not have the same delicate bottom she had when she was 6 years old. Mrs. Reynolds stood in front of her daughter, observing the aftermath of the spanking. "Kayle, are my spankings getting through to you? It seems like you disobey, I spank you, you cry, then you disobey again." Kaylie stares at the ground embarrassed. "Are you going to disobey me now, or are you going to have to get another spanking?" Kaylie smirks. "Your spankings don't even hurt that much, mom." And then the epiphany reached its full potential.
Mrs. Reynolds had just purchased the item that would aid her in her parenting. The epiphany had driven Mrs. Reynolds to the Mom and Pop mart, where unusual items where the primary stock. She wasn't looking for motor oil, or 2 liter bottles of soda. Mrs. Reynolds found what she was looking for and dropped it into the cart, then proceeded to the check-out line. The old lady, most likely the "Mom" of Mom and Pop, greeted her as she tagged the food Mrs. Reynolds was buying, along with the item. The old lady picked it up out of the cart, a small wooden paddle. "Oh, I imagine this is for some good old fashioned discipline? You have kids?" Mrs. Reynolds smiles, knowing she is not being judged. "Yes. I have an 11 year old daughter Kaylie." "Oh, and I imagine she won't be too happy when she sees this? I remember how much my kids hated my paddle. Their little bottoms had an aversion to it. Where are you going to keep it?" Mrs. Reynolds thinks. "I'm not sure yet." "May I advise your closet? That way the build up is more dramatic when you go to retrieve it." "That makes sense. Thanks for the advice." Mrs. Reynolds pays for her groceries and begins to leave. The old lady addresses her as she leaves. "And remember, when you're giving Kaylie her spanking, don't worry about spanking too hard. That paddle is small. It will not harm her. It will just produce a mighty painful sting."
Kaylie had just gotten in trouble, again. this time it was talking back. Mrs. Reynolds had asked her daughter if she was doing her homework. Kaylie answered "Yeah, right!" Mrs. Reynolds then proceeded to inquire about why she was not doing her homework. Kaylie answered many different ways of how she didn't want to do it, with a ton of pre-teen attitude. Mrs. Reynolds didn't want to be pushed to the paddle, but Kaylie was getting close. "Kaylie..." Mrs. Reynolds warned, with an inflection in her voice that was the symbol for "be careful." Kaylie, in a rebellious mood, replied "Mom..." very sarcastically. "I mean it, Kaylie! Do you homework!" Kaylie went too far, "Read my lips! N-O! I don't want to!" Mrs. Reynolds had had it. "That's it! You need to be spanked for that!" "For what?" Kaylie asks, trying to act innocent. "For being rude to me! I am your mother. You will treat me with respect!" Kaylie frowns and pouts. "Just hurry up and spank me..." Kaylie turns around and bends over. Mrs. Reynolds walks over and grabs her daughter's arm and begins to take her to her room. "What are you doing?" "Come on..." Mrs. Reynolds enters her room, with Kaylie by her arm. Mrs. Reynolds opens her closet, revealing a hanging paddle. She points to it. "See that, Kaylie? I just bought it. Its called a paddle. Moms use it to spank their kids." "A paddle?" Kaylie nervously says. "So today you are going to be spanked with the paddle. And it is going to hurt a lot, way more than my hand!" Kaylie begins to cry. "No, I'm sorry!" Mrs. Reynolds takes the paddle off of the closet door. "Now bend over, Kaylie!" She could tell her daughter was scared. Her daugher obeys, bending over. Mrs. Reynolds flips up her daughter's skirt. "This is going to hurt extra over your panties, Kaylie." "Mom, no! I'm sorry!" "Well, next time you'd better respect me. But for right now, you are going to have to go through a very painful consequence. Now, this may hurt way more than my normal spankings, but this is for your own good. I'm not trying to hurt you, but this will hurt a lot, and I'm sorry this has to happen." Kaylie stays silent, sobbing in fear. Mrs. Reynolds prepares herself, mentally rehearsing what the spanking will be like. She then raises the paddle up, swinging hard and swatting her daughter's bottom. Her daughter screams and jumps up, rubbing her bottom. "We're not done, Kaylie. That's only one spank. Four more to go!" "Mom, it hurts!!!" Kaylie screams. Mrs. Reynolds hastily gives her daughter four consecutive swats on her bottom, Kaylie squirming and hopping in pain with each swat, not knowing what to do with all the pain.
Mrs. Reynolds had just finished giving Kaylie her first paddling. Kaylie dances around, rubbing her bottom furiously. Mrs. Reynolds hangs up the paddle, back in the closet. "Now, Kaylie, the next time you decide to disobey me, I'm going to get the paddle out and spank your bottom again. Now, do my spankings hurt?" "Yes..." Kaylie chokes out in tears. "Good."
"Kim Possible Episode 314: Deleted Scenes"

Kim and Ron stand next to some lockers, talking as various students walk by.
So, Kim, what's with you and Bonnie? I thought you were like the biggest rivals in the whole galaxy, other than the space aliens Kozgar and Flemzy.
Ron, when you live life as a secret agent super hero as long as I have, you learn that sometimes it is worth it to work with an enemy to get something you both need dearly.
Meaning the answers to the test next week.
Bingo. I need to pass that test and you and I both know that I won't have any time to study, what with the nuclear bomb and all.
You'd better not let your parents find out. They'd flip. They're always telling you the importance of school.
My parents? Right. One, they are not going to find out. Two, what are they going to do, honestly? I'm Kim Possible!
I don't know. Maybe spank you?
Kim and Ron both laugh.
I haven't gotten a spanking since I was like 8 years old!
Kim and Bonnie slip through the window after Kim uses a secret agent device to open it. They walk over to the desk.
Where did you get that thing? How did you learn how to sneak into places so well?
They search through the desk, uncovering a paper marked "Exam."
Now all we need to do is make copies.
The door opens and the PRINCIPAL walks in.
Kim Possible and Bonnie? What are you two doing here? I was just doing my evening jog through the school.
They both try to hide the test.
Is that a test? Are you stealing the answers for a test? You'd better get home, you two. I think I should call your parents and tell them what you two have been up to!
Kim and Bonnie walk into the living room. Kim's Mom is sitting on a couch chair.
I couldn't believe my ears when I got a call from your principal saying that you two had secretly infiltrated the school and stolen a test to cheat! You told me you were going to Nacho Bueno with Ron!
Well, obviously Kim lied to you.
Mom, take a chill pill. I just am going to be super busy this week and I have no time to study!
You need some discipline, Kimmy! You can't lie to me and steal like that! I am your mother! And school needs to be taken seriously! You know, in my day they'd get out a big paddle and you'd get swats! And it hurt!
Welcome to the 21st century, Mrs. Possible.
How long am I grounded for? I'm sure the school will probably try to suspend me or something. No biggie.
You know, cheating. I think you need a taste of my day. You need a good spanking!
A spanking?
Oh, this is too priceless!
Come here, Kim!
Kim approaches her Mom, trying to act nonchalant.
Where is your big paddle, Mrs. Possible?
Oh, we don't use a paddle in this family. But we do spank! We have some family values! We'll just do this the old fashioned way, I'm sure you remember it Kim. Pants down and over my knee. All the way down, underwear too!
Bonnie laughs. Kim, embarrassed, pulls down her pants, then her panties. She slowly leans over her Mom's lap. Her Mom pulls her into position and starts to spank her very hard. Kim yelps with each spank.
MOM (Still spanking periodically)
Its been a while since we've done this Kim! But I am your mother and if you disobey, I will spank you! Now how does it feel Kim, getting a spanking?
Ouch! Ah, this is so lame!
You're right about that, Kim! Wait til everyone at school hears that Kim Possible still gets spanked over her mom's knee like a little girl!
Bonnie, every mother knows how to spank. Its something we learn somehow. I'm sure you'll be feeling the sting of your mom's hand when you get home! Actually, I remember talking to your mom at a PTA meeting a while back. She is a fan of the wooden spoon, isn't she? She told me how you were mean to Kim a few months ago and how she spanked your little bottom for it. So I guess its the sting of the spoon for you?
She told you that? What kind of stuff do you parents talk about at those meetings?
Kim's Mom looks down at Kim again. She gives three more hard spanks and lets Kim up.
There, you're done Kim. I don't want you to ever do that again! And Bonnie, you may act all high and mighty but the great equalizer will be when your mommy gets out that spoon and spanks your hiney with it when you get home!
Bonnie leaves, bitterly. Kim pulls her pants up then rubs her bottom.
Geez mom! How am I going to stop Draco with a burning red bum?
"Rod of Correction"

Rod of Correction Rod of Correction
Bend over and accept it You may be a teenager
This will sting a lot But spankings still work
Rod of Correction Rod of Correction
Raising a child to obey A bare bottom in the air
Through contact with skin Tears fall to the floor
Rod of Correction Rod of Correction
Teenage daughter disobeyed Stroke after stroke after stroke
Needs a hard spanking Teenage girl screaming
"The Ruler Indicates She's Got a Big Bottom"

I remember my childhood, at least parts of it. There are always holes, where you can't remember the "why" but you can remember the "what." Actually, that seems to happen all the time in real time as well. I grew up in the 60's, and I remember my childhood being either very good or very bad. A good time that remember. I remember my friend showing up on my doorstep. I remember because the sun was out extra warm that day, and their car was still running as it idled in the street in front of my house. I remember hearing "let's go to the amusement park, Nancy!" Why was I going to the amusement park? I don't remember. But I do remember that it was a fun time. We rode the roller coasters, ate cotten candy, and had a blast. Then I remember the bad times as well. My mother was a strict mother. I remember when I was probably 12 years old, watching as my mother was walking up to me angrily, holding the ruler. The ruler was used for one thing only, measuring the size of a child's bottom. I don't remember what I did wrong, and I remember not knowing why my mother was about to spank me. I just remember her walking up and grabbing me saying "Come on, Nancy..." in her "you're in trouble tone." I kept asking her "mom, what did I do?" I was crying, I remember. I was crying because I was scared of getting spankings. Every time I got spanked I screamed from the pain. My mother knew just how to make the bottom sting. And I knew this was going to be another one of those days where I was going to end up in tears from a spanking (even though I was already in tears). My mother took me to my room, where the spanking was going to take place. By then my stomach was upset. I prayed that she would just let me off with a warning. She closed my door and sat down on my bed. As she did this, she yelled out "Nancy, bare your bottom and take your position over my knee." I just stood there crying. "No!" I yelled out to her. "What did I do?" You know what you did, Nancy! Now I want to see your bare bottom on my lap!" "But I don't know what I did wrong, mom!" "Yes you do Nancy. Stop playing Miss Innocent. You just don't want a spanking. But you are going to get one. So do what I say or else it will be twice as long!" It was completely normal for kids back then to be spanked in a forceful manner. It was part of growing up. I remember the shame I always felt as my bare bottom was exposed preparing for the ruler to strike it. I remember that day laying over my mother's lap, my bottom in the air, and my mother holding the ruler about to spank me. "Mom, you're not fair! I didn't do anything!" "Nancy, you know what you did. And you know the rules in my house. Just take your spanking and next time obey the rules." My mother pressed the ruler against my bare bottom, taking aim. "Your bottom is getting bigger, Nancy. You are starting to grow up. Pretty soon you'll be too big for spankings. But I'd say you've got another 4 or 5 years of this, unless you obey." After that everything went hazy. I just remember the painful bee-like stings of that ruler on my bottom. It lasted forever, it felt like. Its almost like I'm still getting spanked. Of course, by now I'm too big for a spanking, unless my mother got a bigger ruler."
"You Know What That Girl Needs?"

Mrs. Barnes and her children were enjoying a typical day of shopping at a local mall. Mrs. Barnes' children, Brian, Brady, and Britney searched through the aisles of the various stores for things that they wanted. Brian wanted a toy cowboy. Brady wanted a new football. And Britney wanted every article of clothing in teenage trend clothing store. At just 14 years old, Britney was at the age of impressing everyone. But this was not impressing her mother. Mrs. Barnes gritted her teeth with every shirt that Britney begged her for. Mrs. Barnes called all her children together. "Brian, Brady, Britney... we are here for school supplies! No toys today!" "Mommy! That's stupid! We are already here! Why can't I get this new skirt!" "Because... I said no." Mrs. Barnes was set on only buying school supplies. Brian and Brady new her mother was set, so they backed off on their desires in a Buddhist-like avoidance of pain. But Britney carried on. "Mommy, get me this!" and "Mommy, get me that!" Britney was complaining with every "No" from her mom. Mrs. Barnes had the patience of a saint. Mrs. Barnes got her children together. "I am going to go talk to my friend over there. You three can go read the comic books and magazines. But remember, we are only here for school supplies. Hold on to those backpacks I just bought you!" Brian and Brady ran for the comics, while Britney slyly walked away. "Where are you going, Britney?" Brady asked. "No where..." Britney headed for the clothing area. She searched the racks and found that skirt she wanted so bad. She grabbed it and began to stuff it in her backpack when an older woman caught her. She grabbed Britney by her arm, to her surprise. "We've got a little thief here!" The old lady walked around announcing the crime that had just been attempted. Everyone in the store looked at Britney, who was angry as could be. Suddenly her mother walked up. "What?" Mrs. Barnes asked in disbelief. "Is this your daughter?" "Yes, she is. Why?" "I caught her trying to steal a skirt! She was shoving it in her backpack!" "Was not!" Britney argued. "I was just seeing if it fit!" "No, I saw you zipping it up! You were going to steal it!" "Is this true?" Her mother asked. Britney stood in silence. Her two brothers walked up. "What happened mom?" Brian asked. "Your sister just tried to steal!" The old lady answered. Mrs. Barnes was angry and embarrassed at her daughter's behavior. "You're all stupid!" Britney sassily yelled. The customers sighed at the insult. The old lady turned to Mrs. Barnes. "I hope you plan on punishing your daughter! What she needs is a good spanking!" Then the voices came from around the stores: "Yeah, a spanking!" "If she were my daughter she would get such a spanking!" "I hope she ends up getting spanked!" "She is going to get it when she gets home!". Mrs. Barnes took her daughter by the hand. "Let's go, Britney." The family started to walk out of the store. The old lady yelled to them. "Remember what I said? Spank her bottom! Spare the rod spoil the child!" Mrs. Barnes turned back as they walked. "Oh yes, she is definitely going across my knee when we get home, she can count on that!" The entire store clapped. The family left the store. "Is Britney going to get a spanking mom?" Brady asked. "Yes she is, Brady." Britney started whining. "Mommy! No! I didn't do anything! Please don't spank me when we get home! I don't want a spanking!" As Britney yelled this some of her friends walked past towards the store. The teens giggled. "Now my friends are going to laugh at me!" Britney whined. "Well, its your own fault for behaving like a brat and breaking the rules. When they ask why you got a spanking, tell them that!" "But its embarrassing! I'm too old for a spanking!" Another mother, older, walks past them. Mrs. Barnes addresses her. "Excuse me. If your 14 year old daughter was behaving like a brat and tried to steal clothes form a store, what would you do?" The mother thought for a second or two. "Well, I'd take her home, turn her over my knee, and spank her until her bottom was bright red. Why?" "See..." Mrs. Barnes said to Britney. The mother laughed. "I take it your daughter is not going to have a pleasant time when you get home." Mrs. Barnes nodded and took her children to the car. The drive home was quick for everyone but Britney. The door opened easily, but to Britney, it was a dooming gate to a Roman Coliseum. Then there was the kitchen and chair, the gallows and noose of the house. Without talking, Mrs. Barnes sat down and threw her daughter over her knee into the spanking position. "Mommy, no!" "You need a good spanking, Britney. And by a good spanking I mean a hard and long spanking on your bare bottom!" Mrs. Barnes started to yank her daughter's pants down, wiggling them until they dropped below her knees. She did the same with her panties, all the while her daughter struggled. Britney stopped whining and starting crying, as she knew the spanking was imminent and was preparing herself. She sat still, bent over her mom's knee. Mrs. Barnes, content at her daughter's final submission, lifted her arm up high and began to spank furiously. In no time, Britney's bottom was red. Britney screamed and screamed, making a dramatic scene out of a typical spanking that was common in the neighborhood. Outside, Brian and Brady were playing with their friends. "What's happening?" A friend asked. Brian answered "Its my sister. My mom is giving her a spanking!" "Your sister still gets spankings?" Brian smiled and laughed. "Yeah! My mom makes her bend over her knee and everything! She always cries like a baby!" Inside, Britney tried to last through the spanking, crying her eyes out as her mom spanked away. Finally the spanking stopped. Mrs. Barnes didn't let her daughter up, but her daughter didn't even try to get up. "Britney, behave like a brat, get spanked like a brat. Steal like a bad girl, get spanked like a bad girl. Now, remember how your bottom feels right now. I know it burns and stings. Everyone in that store knows what just happened. So remember that if you are going to want things that bad, you are going to receive what you need...
"The Sewing Box" [Written by Siegfried]
"The Sewing Box" [Written by Siegfried]
Sophie was always used to get what she wanted.
Each time, when something maked her envious, she was insistent with her mother to obtain it .
When her mother was tired to hear her daughter's requests , she sent her to play in the garden, but after Sophie continued to be insistent and finished to get what she wanted.
This morning, Mother called Sophie and showed her a present sent by her husband who made a trip in East Europa.
The present was a wonderful sewing box well decorated ,including a golden sewing tools set.
Sophie was very excited to watch this present and requested to get the present.
But Mother explained her , she is too young for a such present and remembered to her , she has not been really nice the last days ,she didn't make enough efforts in her work and she had to behave as a good girl of a reputated hidh society family.
As usual, Sophie insisted, promised to be nice, promised to make better home work, ....
As usual, Mother sent her to play otherwhere.
Sophie was very disappointed and thought how to do to succeed to get this wonderful sewing box.
She got an idea : because the box will probably be kept closed, she could take the tools out of the box and hide it somewhere.
Discretly, Sophie entered in the living room. The sewing box was always on the chest of drawers. Luckily, there was nobody in the room.
Her heart pounded with a big emotion.
She took the tools out, closed the box and ran into the playing room.
She tidied the stolen things in her "treasure box".
At tea time , Mother welcomed some guests from other hogh society families.
At a moment Mother decided to exhibit the sewing box sent by her husband. Sophie felt uncomfortable.
MOTHER : "It has been bought in East Europa. Have a look on the details of the gilts "
MADAME DE FLEURVILLE : "It is wonderful . It represents a lot of work. What does it contains ?"
MOTHER : "It contains all tools necessary to sew. All tools are made with gold. Have a look !!!! ....... Oh ! My God !!!!"
At this moment Sophie reddened of shame.
MADAME DE FLEURVILLE : "It seemed , that somebody has borrowed or stolen the content. Maybe one of the servants ? "
MOTHER : "Oh No, I am very sure of all employees in this house"
MOTHER (after thought) : "Sophie ! Where is Sophie ?"
Sophie was located behind all persons.
All present persons drew aside ,and Mother could see Sophie.
Sophie was reddening and was trembling.
MOTHER (angry) : "Sophie ! Give back immediatly this box content, if you don't want to be punished as you behave !!!"
SOPHIE (feared) : "I p-p-p-romise Mother. I have not touched. ssnniif"
MOTHER (more angry) : "Follow me!!!"
She pulled Sophie by the hand and entered in her bedroom.
Mother rummaged evrerywhere in the room.
She pulled Sophie toward the playingroom. Sophie was more and more feared.
Again, she rummaged everywhere in the room without success.
She was ready to apologize to Sophie to have been unfair and to suspect her, when she she opened the treasure box.
Horrified, she discoverered all disappeared tools.
Without telling any word and very angry she sats close to the piano.
Very angry, she pulled Sophie toward her , raised the skirt and pulled down Sophie's panties.
She places Sophie over her knees and start to spank her.
Sophie screamed, struggled, requested for mercy but nothing changed.
She received smacks until mother's arms were tired.
After the spanking, Mother always angry went out the playing room leaving Sophie crying.
She heard comments of guests when leaving home, about Sophie's behaviour which is unworthy a little girl from high society.
Sophie cried during a long time and was not allowed to dinner with her mother.
The day after, Sophie apologized a new time.
Mother accepted to forgive her but did't give her the sewing box.
She read An extract of the letter written by her father which was enclosed to the box "...This present is for Sophie. But please Darling , don't tell her. I want she really deserves it. Please, give her after at least 8 days of a perfect behaviour..."
Endly , the sewing has been given the housekeeper's daughter who was always nice and worked so well.