"I Hate My Stepmother" [Written by Siegfried][Drawing by Nene]
I was 3 years old when my mother left my father.
I have never seen my mother since this year, and I don't remember her very well.
Since this year , I always lived alone with my father and our relationship was really perfect.
Daddy is so lovely !!!
I was 6, when Dad met Erika.
At the beginning of their meeting, Erika came sometimes for dinner or spending some time with us. I attached no particular importance to her, and I enjoyed each time Erika visit us.
I didn't realize Erika took more and more place in our family.
After around 1 year, Erika and Dad decided to start living together.
That was a real disaster for me.
I didn't want to share with Erika my for love for my father and I didn't want a new mother.
My relationship with Erika became difficult.
She tried manytimes to have a talk with me. Dad tried too.
But they didn't succeed to improve my relationship with Erika.
Erika was very sad , because of these difficulties.
She always tried to be pretty with me, but I was always naughty with her (talking back, refusal to obey, refusal to talk with her, ...).
Dad had sometimes to punish me when I became too much rude.
In spite of punishments , I continued to be naughty with her.
My objective was to be so naughty, to hope that she will leave our family.
This week, Daddy has to travel during one week for his job.
Erika will keep me during the week.
Dad and her are very worry, about our relationship during the week.
Dad explains to Erika, it is important to react and take harsh measures , if I am naughty.
Dad expects I promise to be nice with Erika, but the fact is I had crossed my fingers.
I promise myself to be the most horrible possible.
After two days of difficult relations ships, Angela stands firm.
I decide it is time for a new step.
I decide to reproduce a practical joke, I watched on TV.
Last week,Dad painted our garden's gate.
I know where Dad tidies paintig tins.
So while Erika cooks the lunch I discretly have gone to fetch one tin.
Luckily, it remains one which has already been opened (I can't succeed to open the others).
I run fast, until the dining room.
Erika believes, I am watching TV, and it is good for me.
I set tone loud to prepare what I want.
WIth a lot of difficulties, I succeed to place the opened tin above the door, using one chair and one stool. Dangerous, but I succeed
Now, I can return to watch TV program and wait.
I am very excited , each time I imagine the painting falling on Erika.
Around 12:30, I hear Erika calling me for lunch.
"Tina, it's time to lunch"
I don't answer.
"Tina darling, have you heard ?"
I don't answer and I am more and more excited.
I hear footsteps.
I see door opening and ...I hear a scream.
The tin has fallen on stepmother , and painting drips on her head..
It has been more successful than I imagine, and I start to laugh.a lot.
I really get fun.
But I laugh during a few seconds only, Erika gets a reaction , I have not planned
In a split second, without realizing what happens to me, Erika pulls me with strength toward a seat, puts me over her knees and and pulls down my panties until my knees.
I start to realize, when a first very powerful smack reaches my bottom.
I receive a second, a third,a fourth, .... ouch it hurts a lot.
I start to cry , each smack hurting me more and more.
I implore Erika, I apologize, but Erika does not listen.
The spanking was very intense. I receive smacks too on back of my legs.
It is the first time, Erika spanks me and I have the feeling, I receive at least one year of spankings in only one time.
I didn't imagine , she is able to give such spankings.
After the spanking, she expects , I clean the room and after she sents me in my room for the rest of the day.
I have obeied for the first time, and I have understood that I have to respect her now.
The evening, I hear her having a phone call with my father, and my father has approved her reaction.
Since this day, my relationship has been better.
"Emily's Other Side" [Written by Siegfried]
"Emily's Other Side" [Written by Siegfried]
Today is the last day of school year.
As every year, all parents , brothers, sisters of children are invited to the show played by children, celebrating the end of school and the beginning of summer holidays.
After the show, the families are invited for a tea into the classrooms .
This is an opportunity for parents to speak with other parents or to the schoolmistress.
Emily is a little bit worry to participate with her parents to this tea.
Emily is a very good schoolgirl, she is one of the bests.
But she has a very bad defect : she is not able to keep quiet in classroom during the lessons.
She always talks too much with her friends, laughs and disturbs the mistress and other students.
To summarize : Emily is very undisciplined in school.
The schoolmistress has made several attempts to punish her as additional homework, playtime privation, placed in a corner for a long time... , but nothing efficient
Emily's mother knows the situation but has never been able to discipline her.
Furthermore, Emily's mother always has hidden this problem to her husband.
Emily's father is very strict and is able to punish her very severely.
Because Emily's mother thinks her daughter is so pretty, and prefers to not speak of her behaviour in classroom, to her husband to protect Emily.
Everything seems to be OK, until Emily notices, the mistress having a long discussion with her parents.
Emily is more worry again, when she sees the face of her father becoming angry and notices some dark looks watching towards her.
She feels her heart beating very quickly.
Emily is right to be worry.
The schoolmistress is describing the unacceptable behaviour of Emily during the lessons.
She is explaining this is a pity for such excellent schoolgirl, to be such undisciplined.
She Informs, that Emily can be excluded from school on next year, if no improvment is observed in her behaviour.
Emily's father is very disappointed and very angry.
4:00 pm . This is the end of the school year.
The mistress thanks everybody and wishes happy holidays to everybody.
Emily goes back to home with her parents.
In the car, the ambience is silent and cold.
After long minutes, she asks to her father " Dad, why have you discussed for a so long time with Ms Taylor ?"
After some seconds of silence, her father answers coldly : "You know it better than me, Emily"
Emily mother prefers to keep silence.
At this moment, there is no more possible doubt.
It was clear than Ms Taylor has informed her father of her behaviour.
She guesses , she will be severely punished at home and she cannot avoid it.
In her brain, she sorrows so much.
At this moment she feels like crying, but she tries to not do it.
When the family is back in the house, Emily has just time to take her jacket off.
She is taking her shoes off , and is ready to put on her slippers when Daddy catches her and pulls one of her ear.
He walks silently with her, until the first chair he finds, always holding Emily by the ear
Emily already starts to cry.
He places the char and sits down.
Always silently, he raises Emily's short skirt, until he finds the panties.
Then he pulls down the panties untils her knees.
Crying, the poor Emily says "pppplease, I am sorry, i ppromise ttto bbe gggood"
Bud Daddy, does not listen and lays Emily over her knees.
He raises the short skirt and rolls it up, until the bottom is well exposed.
At this time , Emilys mother prefers to go in another room.
She hears the sound smacks and Emily's sobbings.
She would like to cry , but she knows Emily deserves and needs this punishment.
Daddy spanks and spanks Emily , until the bottom is fully red.
After the spanking, Dad rolls up Emily's panties and tells her " Now , think to your behaviour during this year"
Sobbing, the two hands on her bottom, Emily goes into her room.
Her bottom hurts for long hours.
She promises to herself to not do it again.
"One Out of Three"

"Oh dear, someone has torn up my flower bed!" Mr. Tarlington's wife exclaims to her husband. "Calm down, my wife, I'll get to the bottom of this. In fact, I believe I will find the culprit in no time." "Who do you think would do something like this?" "It was one of the boys, I can tell you that. Either Jonathan or Issac." "You think it was one of our children?" "Indeed. Those boys are always playing their football and things out in the yard. We've told them to mind themselves around those flowers of yours. They will be punished for this." "Whoever it was, they need to a sound spanking for this." "I'll get to it."
Mr. Tarlington, sitting on the bed in his room, has called his two sons, Jonathan and Issac into his room. They both arrive, nervous and anxious of this calling. "Yes father?" They both say in unison. "Boys, it came to my attention that someone has ruined the flower bed. Which one of you did it?" The boys look at each other. "Father, one of us did do it, but it was an accident." "Which one of you was it?" The two boys look at each other. Jonathan, the older by 2 years, making him 10, steps up. "I did it. But only because Issac said that he saw a snake and I didn't want the snake to hurt any of us. I went searching through the flowers to kill it." Issac nods. "Is this true?" Mr. Tarlington asks suspiciously. "Yes it is. I'm very sorry. I will help replant the flowers if you want." "Yes, very well. But your mother and I have warned you not to play in the flower bed, or to kill snakes. So, Issac, you may leave. Jonathan, pull down your pants and assume the position over my knee." "You're going to spank him?" Issac asks. "Yes. For disobeying the rules." Mr. Tarlington pulls out a hairbrush from behind him. Getting nervous, Jonathan finally admits the truth. "I was lying, father. It wasn't me. It wasn't Issac either." "We know who it is, father." Issac adds. "Oh?" Mr. Tarlington raises an eyebrow, still suspicious. "It was Emily." Jonathan says. "Emily?" "Yes. Emily. She told me and Issac not to tell you. She was trying to plant some new flowers that a friend gave her and she made a mistake. She said she was sorry and told us not to tell on her." "Well, I am touched at how you protected your big sister, but this is her mistake and she needs to face the consequences for herself. I want you two to go and have your sister come in to me." "So I'm not getting a spanking?" Jonathan asks. "Not this time." "Is Emily?" Issac asks. "Yes, she is." The boys walk out, Jonathan relieved and Issac guilty of tattling on their sister.
The boys enter their older sister's room. "Emily, father wants to talk to you." Jonathan says. "He wants you to go to his room." Emily gulps. "Did you tell on me? I told you not to!" "Sorry, Emily. But father was going to spank Jonathan!" "That's the point! Now I'm going to get a spanking!" Emily pouts and walks out of the room to her father's room.
Mr. Tarlington greets Emily as she enters. "Emily, I suppose you know why I called you in." Emily stands before her father. "Why?" "Your brothers told me that you told them not to tell me of you." Emily looks down, guilty and embarrassed. "Why did you tear up the flower bed and then lie about it, Emily?" "I wanted to plant some pretty flowers. I didn't know how to plant them that well and I made a mess of things." "Why did you have your brothers take the blame?" "I told them the next time they get in trouble I'll take the blame for them." "And I suppose you had no intention of keeping that promise." Emily blushes, embarrassed. "Are you going to give me a spanking?" Emily asks nervously, digging her foot into the carpet. Her father pulls out his hairbrush. "As a matter of fact, yes I am." "But I didn't mean to! I wanted to make mother's garden prettier!" "But we've told all three of you not to play in the garden. You should have asked your mother first. Plus, now I find out that you lied to us and to your brothers and had them take the blame. This is awfully mischievous of a child to do. The only right thing to do at this point is to give you a sound spanking." Mr. Tarlington motions Emily towards him. "Emily, I want you to pull down your knickers and assume the position over my knee." Emily cries as she lifts up her dress and pulls her underwear down. She approaches her father and waits for him to form the position for her to bend over. She leans over his lap, whimpering in her predicament. "After I am done spanking you I want you to go apologize to your mother." "Okay." Emily says in a quivering voice. Mr. Tarlington gathers himself as there are a few moments of silence, calm before the storm. He raises his hairbrush into the air and it lands sharply on Emily's bare bottom. Emily yelps, not being able to handle the pain from the first spank. Dread sinks over her as she knows that this is the first of more to come. The more come. Mr. Tarlington lands five more hard spanks on Emily's bottom, Emily screaming and kicking her legs. She pleads for her father to stop the rest of the spanking after this point. Her father gives her five more hard spanks with the hairbrush. Her pleads of "Stop! Please! I'm sorry! Ouch!" Are mixed in with the loud sound of a wooden hairbrush making sharp contact with skin. Mr. Tarlington gives a couple more spanks and stops. Emily gets up, her screams turning into loud and hard crying. "My bottom hurts!" Emily sobs. "Yes, it is supposed to from a spanking. This is what happens when you misbehave, Emily, you should know by now." Emily rubs her bottom, still crying. "Now go apologize to your mother."
Emily exits the room, crying and rubbing her bottom, now covered by her dress. Jonathan and Issac watch her walk away. "Did it hurt? We heard you crying." Emily looks back at her brothers and snubs them and keeps walking away, still rubbing her bottom. "Sorry Emily." Jonathan says. Emily finds her mother in the living room. She composes herself and apologizes to her mom. "Sorry mother for ruining your flowers." "Well, I really loved those flowers. Now I have to plant new ones. Your father spanked you, I presume?" "Yes." "Did it hurt?" "Yes." "Good. Now, I'm off to buy new flowers. Maybe you should stay in your room for a while and think about asking me next time you want to plant flowers in my flower bed." Emily sobs and walks away.
"Da Da Dum..."

I spent the weekend with my mean ol' Aunt Penny one time. My parents wanted to go on vacation, just the two of them, so me and my sister Jenny were left with Aunt Penny. I was 13 years old and Jenny was 17. Before you know anything, know that my Aunt Penny was the definition of a true old lady. There was absolutely nothing to do in her house, all of her music was from the 1920's, her dinners all tasted the same- elderly... basically, the weekend was going to suck and we knew it. Aunt Penny was from my dad's side. She had 3 kids of her own, the cousins we rarely saw. They were all older and out of the house, in their early 20's, two sons and a daughter. Too bad, we could have used their company, and their advice. I wish they had told us that Aunt Penny was psycho. Well, not really actually psychotic, but she had stick up her you know what and considered herself the expert of all. She was super old fashioned and believed that all kids, anyone younger than her basically (which was 90% of the world...) should submit to her authority. Like the Pope, what she said became doctrine. One of her newest doctrine, spoken ex Cathedra as she sat knitting, was for me and my sister to stay in the house that Saturday and help her clean the house. Clean the house? I know, what the heck! We are not even her kids. My parents are on vacation and she expects us to stay inside all Saturday and help her clean. I went to my sister. "Jenny, this is stupid. I don't want to clean!" "Don't worry Christa, she can't make us do anything." Like all heretics, Jenny's ideas eventually came back to martyr her. "Girls, I want you in the kitchen cleaning the counters." Aunt Penny commanded us. Jenny walked into the kitchen and motioned me to follow her. "So, Christa. I say we ditch this place." "Sounds good." I said. We both left the house out the back door. My Aunt Penny didn't even notice, she just kept knitting. I wonder how many times she called out for us with no answer. That would have been funny to see. Anyway, we walked around and realized we had no idea where anything was and outside was just as boring as inside, plus, it was a little cold that day. So we walked back to the house. Aunt Penny heard us come in and marched out to meet us. "Girls! I thought I told you to clean the kitchen! And I know I told you no going outside today! What do you have to say for yourselves!" Me and Jenny stood before great Aunt Penny, not knowing what to say. Jenny thought she did, so she did say something. "We don't have to listen to you, Aunt Penny. Its Saturday. Me and Christa want to relax, not clean the stupid kitchen!" "Yeah!" I answered foolishly. Aunt Penny stamped her foot. "You think you can talk to your elder that way young lady?" "Yeah." Jenny snapped back. "It looks like we need to take a trip to the den." We were both confused. I moved out of the way as Jenny was taken to Aunt Penny's den. I stood right outside, peeking in, watching the whole thing unfold. Aunt Penny walked over to a chair and sat down, holding my sister by her arm. "You know what happens to children in this house who talk back and disobey their elders?" Jenny shrugged. "They get spanked! So, let's go, pull down your panties..." I couldn't believe my ears. Looking back, I should have expected it. Aunt Penny was crazy, like I said. I later found out that she deemed that chair the spanking chair. Any time her children got in trouble she went into the den with them and gave them a spanking in that spanking chair. And she had no discrimination when it came to age. She was about to spank my sister and she was 17! She spanked my cousins until they were 18, which I later found out. Anyway, my Aunt Penny was demanding my sister to pull her panties down, exposing herself to my Aunt. I would have done the same thing, refused to. "Jennifer, are you going to pull down your panties or am I going to have to?" Aunt Penny said. "You can't spank me! You're not my mom!" Of course, my mom never spanked us, neither did my dad. I guess Aunt Penny was naughty one growing up in her family, or maybe she was the goody-two-shoes who assumed that spanking was magical to children behaving. But there I saw it happen, Aunt Penny flipping up my sister's skirt and yanking down her panties. My sister was struggling and angry, not accepting her fate. Aunt Penny somehow got her over her knee. She probably practiced this so much that she had it down to an art. "This isn't the 50's! You can't just bend me over your knee and spank me!" Jenny yelled. "Parenting is parenting. I am your elder, your parent this weekend. In my house, naughty children get bent over my knee and spanked. Its how its done!" So there went the parenting expert, my Aunt Penny, as she started spanking away. My sister was shocked at how much it hurt. Aunt Penny kept spanking her over and over again. Jenny screamed and kicked her legs, crying from both the pain and the embarrassment. I guess old people really know what a spanking is. My Aunt Penny gave my sister the biggest spanking and left her crying. My Aunt Penny did not seem to be affected at all, her expression never changing. She finally finished and let my sister up, who was sobbing and rubbing her bottom. "Christa! Come in here please!" Dooming words I hoped not to hear. I knew what was coming next. I knew I was going to be bent over her lap and spanked, on my bare butt most likely. My stomach dropped at the thought of my Aunt staring down at my bare butt, slapping it until I cried like my sister did. I did not want to cry in front of her either, but if my sister did I was sure that I would. I just remembered though, as I decided to accept my fate. Aunt Penny was old, and to old people, this sort of the thing, the over the knee bare bottom spanking, was very normal. It was not embarrassing because this was normal. Being bent over the knee and spanked on my bare butt, it was what my Aunt was used to doing. Still thought, I was super nervous, about how much it would hurt (by the way, it did hurt a ton! My Aunt Penny sure new how to spank and make the spanks sting...). So I walked into the den, my Aunt spotting me. "Oh, there you are Christa. You disobeyed me and went outside with your sister. For that, you are going to get a spanking. Come over here and pull down your panties, then bend over my knee..." Yep, you saw it coming, so did I. Not initially, that weekend. But looking back, we could have avoided the humiliation. But it was time. My spanking. My first spanking. Not from my parents, but from mean old Aunt Penny. All I can say was, it was weird bending over her lap, she felt like an old lady, but with the hand of a young man. I walked into the room and stared at my fate, my Aunt Penny sitting, waiting in her spanking chair. "Pull those panties down, Christa, you're getting a spanking too!"
"Charlotte Troubles: The Warning" [Written by Siegfried]
"Charlotte Troubles: The Warning" [Written by Siegfried]
"Charlotte Troubles: The Lying" [Written by Siegfried]
"Charlotte Troubles: The Lying" [Written by Siegfried]