"Brats and Mom Don't Mix"

"Lexi, can you do what I said and put your clothes in the laundry?" No response is heard in the house. Lexi's mom walks around looking for her daughter, finding her in her room. Lexi sits on her bed, talking on her cell phone, dressed in underwear and and an undershirt, her clothes in a pile on the floor.. "Lexi?" Lexi ignores her mom, still talking to her friend. Finally, Lexi hangs up the phone and looks up at her mom. "What, mom?" Lexi says spryly. "Lexi, I told you to separate all your clothes, lights and darks. I'm doing the laundry." "Why don't you do it?" Lexi's mom lets out a stunned vocalization. "Lexi, I asked you to do it. Now you need to obey me and put your clothes in the laundry room, separate the lights and darks, like I asked, okay?" Lexi's mom leaves the room. Her mom walks over into the laundry room, sorting through clothes. Laundry day was never fun for her, as she found herself busy and laundry didn't seem like a fair way to take up her time. Nevertheless, she faithfully did her laundry every time, as well as her husband and daughters. She walks by her daughter's room once again, seeing her daughter on the phone, once again. She sighs and walks back to the laundry room. "I never should have given her a cell phone. I knew 13 was too young for a cell phone!" She grumbles. After finishing sorting the available laundry, she walks to the kitchen and begins to search for what is to be dinner. As she does this, Lexi walks into the kitchen, now wearing shoes. "Mom, I need my skirt, where is it?" "What? Its probably in your big pile of laundry." "No, I left it in the laundry room yesterday. Where is it?" "I don't know, honey. Why don't you look for it." "Mom! I need it! I'm supposed to meet Abagail at her house!" "Lexi, you're not going anywhere until you do what I asked. Why don't you clean up your clothes and then we can find your skirt, okay?" Lexi snubs her mom and walks away. "Fine, I'll just find some jeans or something. Thanks a lot, mom...." Lexi walks into her room. Her mom starts to get impatient. "Lexi, I'm serious about the laundry. You're not leaving until you do the laundry!" "Shut up, mom! I'll get to it eventually! Geez! Why don't you just do it? You're doing the laundry anyway!" "Don't talk to me like that, young lady!" Her mom threatens. Lexi walks out towards the kitchen. "Mom, I need money for the movies. Where's your purse?" "Lexi, are you going to listen to me?" Lexi sighs, clearly annoyed, and walks back to her room. " "Lexi, I'm not going to ask you again. Sort out your laundry. It won't take long. Then you can go to Abagail's and maybe I'll give you some money." "Mom, shut up about the stupid laundry! God, you're so annoying!" Lexi's mom had had it. "Alexis Ann! Get your bottom out here!" Lexi walks into the kitchen annoyed. "What, mom?" "What? You don't talk to me like that! I'm your mother!" "So what?" "So? I've been asking you for a while now to sort your clothes and you won't obey me. I've asked you nicely and you are acting like a brat! You are sassy, disobedient..." "Are you done?" "You know what, Lexi, you're getting a spanking!" Lexi frowns animatedly. "No! Mom!" "Yes! You won't listen to me and you need to be spanked on that bottom of yours!" "Fine! I'll go do the freakin' laundry!" "No, its too late! I've had it with your attitude, young lady! You are getting a spanking!" "Mom, you can't spank me! I'm 13!" "Oh yeah? We'll just see! Now come over here!" Her mom pulls out a chair and sits down on it. "Now come over here and bend over my knee. You aren't too big for a spanking!" Lexi stares at her mom. "No, mom! I don't want a spanking!" "You should have thought of that before you acted like such a brat. Now are you going to come over here obediently or am I going to have to go and get you?" Lexi contemplates the question. "Alexis, if I have to get out of this chair then those panties are coming down and you're getting spanked on your bare bottom!" "Fine!" Lexi walks towards her mom, not wanting the embarrassment of having her panties pulled down. "Its not even gonna hurt, mom!" "We'll see about that! Now bend over my knee!" Lexi, now seeing how serious her mom is, starts to get nervous. "Mom! No! I'm sorry!" "Alexis..." "Mommy!" "Alexis, you need a spanking, now bend over..." "Can't I just turn around and you just spank me on my butt like that? I don't want to bend over your lap. Its embarrassing! I'm not a little girl anymore!" "You're sure acting like one! And yes, it is going to be over my lap. That's the proper spanking position. That's how we've always done it. And yes, it is going to be embarrassing but you need it!" "No!..." Lexi continues her argument. Her mom, having had enough, reaches out and grabs her daughters arm and pulls her towards her. Lexi hits her mom's thigh and falls over her lap. Her mom shifts around, getting her daughter into position, her daughter screaming the whole time in disagreement. "Mommy!!! No!!!" Her mom, now ready, holds her daughter in position and prepares to spank. "Alexis, I'm your mother! You need to learn to treat me like it!" Her mom slaps her daughter very hard on her bottom, making a loud, resounding slapping sound. Lexi screams. Her mom giver her daughter 3 more hard spanks before Lexi starts to kick her legs and squirm. "It still hurts, doesn't it? Now do you remember why you hated getting a spanking when you were little?" Lexi cries and whines. "Mommy! I'm sorry!" "That was just the warm up. I needed to practice, a little rusty. Now I'm gonna make those little buns red, young lady!" "Mom! No!..." Lexi begs. "You're 13 years old, so that's 13 spankings. Are you ready?" "13?!! Mommy, no!" Lexi's mom takes a deep breath, then starts the spanking. Her hand lands sharply on her daughter's thin panties. She rotates, left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek. Lexi screams and kicks her legs. Her mom stops spanking for a second. "Stop kicking, its hard to aim! I have to spank that little bottom of yours!" "Mommy! It hurts! Stop!" "7 more spanks." Her mom starts up again, Lexi crying as she does. Lexi puts her hand on her butt to block the spanks after the 10th one. Her mom once again stops. "Alexis, move your hand! Do you want me to start over again?" "Noooo!" Lexi cries as she moves her hand away. Her mom gives the last three spanks, doing so very deliberately and very hard over the center of her bottom." Her mom lets her up. "Now go sort out your clothes like I asked!" Lexi cries and pouts as she walks to her room, rubbing her bottom. Her mom goes back to her work in the kitchen. A few minutes later, there is a knock at the kitchen door. Lexi's mom answers. Abagail, also 13, stands at the door. "Oh, hello Abagail." "Hello. Is Lexi there?" Lexi's mom looks back and calls for her daughter. Lexi walks to meet them. "What?" She says, still teary eyed, still her in her panties. Abagail looks uncomfortable. "Lexi, are you coming?" "Yeah, just let me finish up putting my clothes in the laundry and I have to find my skirt." Lexi walks away. Her bottom is red underneath her panties and Abagail spots this. "Why is your butt all red?" Abagail laughs, but Lexi doesn't hear her and walks into her room. Her mom turns to Abagail. "Lexi wasn't behaving earlier, so I gave her a spanking." Abagail laughs. "Really?" "Yes, really." Abagail, now knowing that she was not joking, becomes inquisitive. "Lexi got a spanking?" "Yes, she did. I bent her over my knee and spanked her bottom." "She still gets spanked? My mom and dad don't spank me anymore. I'm too old." "Well, that's what Lexi thought too. But now she knows that 13 and a bratty attitude will earn her a trip over my knee and a meeting of my hand with her bottom."
"Jenny Matthews Gets a Spanking" [Written by S. Mack]
"Jenny Matthews Gets a Spanking" [Written by S. Mack]
John Matthews sighed, after he had finished reading the letter received from Dr Temple, his granddaughter’s headmistress at St Winifred’s School for Girls. Jenny really was proving to very troublesome – especially since she had come to stay with him, whilst her parents were abroad on business for four weeks. John loved his granddaughter dearly, but unfortunately being an only child, her mother and father had had a tendency to spoil her. If she demanded something, she usually got whatever was asked for without question.
The headmistress’s communication complained bitterly about Jenny bullying a younger pupil at the school: she had apparently pulled the other girl’s pony tail so hard, that it had caused the smaller child to scream in agony. Ten days ago, John was informed that Jenny had received a stern reprimand for gross insolence towards two of her teachers. This latest incident, involving an attack on a younger pupil, was considered to be very serious, and the head had gone on to suggest that Jenny might be expelled from St Winifred’s if such an unprovoked assault was ever repeated.
‘There is nothing else for it - I am going to have to punish her with the utmost severity.’ thought John. ‘I can’t understand why she’s behaving like this – she used to be such a good natured and gentle child.’
When Jenny arrived home from school later in the day, she greeted her grandfather so sweetly, that John Matthews felt a pang of guilt and almost changed his mind about administering the punishment he had resolved to carry out. She looked so angelic, with beautiful long blonde hair held neatly in place with a blue hair band. Her royal blue school blazer and grey pleated skirt were kept immaculate, so quite naturally – he was proud of her. However, the elderly gentleman realised that he had to be firm and stand no nonsense.
‘Jenny, can you please explain this?’ he said, holding out the letter for his granddaughter’s inspection.
‘It wasn’t my fault Grandpa; the other girl called me names.’
‘But darling, you are at least two years older, and remember, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me.” Dr Temple informs me that you pulled the little girl’s hair very hard – that was a very cruel and unkind thing to do.’
Jenny started to feel rather uneasy, so made a swift attempt to change the subject.
‘Well, I have homework to do Grandpa, so I’m going up to my room for an hour or two.’
‘No Jenny – there will be ample time to do your homework later. In the meantime, I have decided that you have to be severely punished, so you will come to my study immediately.’
‘NO I won’t - It’s not fair - leave me alone!’ shouted Jenny, stamping her foot.
‘Jenny – please do NOT be rude.’ said the old man feeling rather shocked by the display of tantrum. ‘My study – now please young lady!’
John Matthews placed his hand on his grand child’s shoulder and led her to the small study, where he kept his books and a small writing bureau. There was a large and comfortable armchair in one corner of the room, where he would normally sit for several hours, perusing his collection of rare leather-bound novels. He sat down in the chair and bade the little girl to come over to him.
‘What are you going to do Grandpa?’ asked Jenny.
‘Jenny, your behaviour has caused me a great deal of concern recently. You have been accused of being very rude to your teachers and have admitted to pulling a younger child’s hair with little or no provocation. I detest bullying and will therefore deal with the matter by giving you a jolly good spanking – something your father obviously should have done a long time ago!’
‘What? NO!’ cried Jenny, very much alarmed.
‘Don’t argue with me, come over here and lie face down across my lap immediately.’
Once more Jenny protested. ‘No, please don’t spank me Grandpa. I’ll be good from now on - I promise.’
‘Jenny, get across my knee without anymore delay!’
Sensing the growing anger in her grandfather’s voice and realising anymore argument was futile, Jenny did as she was told and lowered herself across the old man’s lap. As soon as she was in position, her grandfather grabbed the hem of her school skirt, lifted it over her back and tucked it beneath her blazer. Once more, the schoolgirl cried out in wild alarm.
‘Noooo, what are you doing? I’ll tell Dad!’
‘You may tell your father whatever you wish. For my part, I will be telling him all about your disgraceful behaviour and the fact that you came very close to being expelled from school. Whilst you are in my care, I will deal with such bad behaviour in whatever manner I see fit. Now keep still.’
With that, the old man tugged at the waistband of the girl’s navy blue knickers and drew them down around her thighs. He then raised a large hand over her chubby bottom and paused; before bringing it down again smartly and producing a very loud SMACK! The effect was instantaneous: Jenny’s head jerked upwards, her eyes widened and she uttered a loud gasp. The second smack was quickly followed by a very anguished yelp. Tears flowed freely after the third one was delivered.
After ten very hard spanks (slowly and methodically) had been administered, John Matthews hesitated for a couple of seconds and permitted himself a brief smile as he inspected his handiwork. The recipient’s buttocks were turning a very angry shade of crimson - this was going to be a lesson someone wasn’t going to forget for a very long time. He then continued to punish her, delivering another half-dozen blows with his big powerful hand as his granddaughter bawled uncontrollably – her pretty face distorted by a mixture of agony and rage. Nothing could ever have prepared young Jenny Matthews, for the sheer pain and humiliation of being on the receiving end of a good old-fashioned, bare bottom spanking!
"Terrible Teenagers Should Be Spanked" [Written by Holy Diver]
"Terrible Teenagers Should Be Spanked" [Written by Holy Diver]
Up until she was 13, my younger sister Jane was a sweet, well behaved girl. However, when she became a teenager, Jane became a brat. She was always arguing with my parents, particularly our mother, and was sometimes very abusive indeed. Of course, there were times when Jane would behave herself. Her bad behaviour was usually a result of trying to get out of chores.
About a year after Jane turned 13, my parents had an important discussion. I was eavesdropping at the door, because I heard my name being mentioned. My mum was sounding serious. “David, we need to do something about Jane’s behaviour. I know she’s a teenager now, but she’s still under our roof. She needs to respect us. We never had this problem with Matthew or William.” My ears pricked up at hearing my name. I didn’t normally eavesdrop, but I couldn’t resist it. It was now my dad’s turn to speak. “Yes, I know Margaret. Jane has been rather out of hand recently. I think it’s time we give her another spanking. We haven’t done so since she was 11, but she definitely needs one.” My mum replied with, “Who should spank her? I think I should do it, because she seems to disrespect me more than you.” “OK, if Jane is bratty to you, then you should spank her. If she is cheeky to me, then I’ll spank her. Just a minute, is that William at the door? If he’s been eavesdropping…”
I quickly ran away and up the stairs. Luckily for me, Dad didn’t catch me, otherwise I would have been the one spanked. However, I was going to wait patiently for the time when Jane would be punished. I was tempted to tell her, but I didn’t want my parents to know I was eavesdropping.
The day came. It was Jane’s turn to do the dishes and as usual, she was willing to put up a fight. I knew what was coming and was watching with baiting breath. My mum was getting angry. “Jane, if you don’t agree to wash the dishes, I will spank you.” Jane snorted. “HA! You can’t spank me. I’m nearly 14 for God’s sake!” My mum’s eyebrows shot up. “I will not have the Lord’s name taken in vain in this house. I will give you one last warning. Are you going to do the dishes?” Jane was standing her case. “No, let William do it. He’d love it, he’s just a big girl anyway.” I was outraged. I definitely wanted to see my sister getting spanked after she insulted me. Fortunately my mum had enough too. “Jane, you have been insolent ever since you turned 13. Teenager or not, you’re going to get spanked NOW!”
Jane started to change her tune. “No mum! Please don’t spank me! I’ll do the dishes.” “It’s too late Jane.” Jane started to plead with me to help her. “William, please help.” I said “Huh! No Chance. You insulted me.” “NOOOOO!” screamed Jane, sounding more like an 8 year old girl than a teenage one.
My mum took hold of Jane’s arm and placed her across her knee. Then she lifted Jane’s skirt and started to lower her panties. “Mum, no! Not on my bare bottom. Not in front of William.” “Naughty girls get spanked on the bare bottom. And William, please get out of here.”
I thought I’d better obey but I stood at the doorway watching it all. My mum didn’t notice me, but Jane did. I smiled at her. The spanking started. Smack! Smack! Smack! SMACK! “Ow! Ow! OW! My bottom!” cried out Jane. I watched every minute of it, seeing Jane’s bare bottom growing steadily redder. I was feeling guilty at watching this. More spanks came. Smack! Smack! Smack! Spank! Jane struggling and kicked but my mum didn’t take much notice. She continuing spanking my sister’s bare buttocks until she was satisfied that Jane had been satisfactorily spanked. Jane was crying by the time my mum was finished. She didn’t seem like the cool teenager now. My mum spoke severely to Jane. “I hope you are very sorry and that you will watch your attitude with us in future. We do not allow brats in this family. Now you will do the dishes with a sore bottom.
Before my mum turned round, I fled as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to be caught in an awkward situation. I was dreading that Jane might never forgive me for peeking on her spanking. But the next day everything was back to normal. Except Jane had lost her bad attitude.
"Scrumping Earns a Spanking" [Written by S. Mack]
"Scrumping Earns a Spanking" [Written by S. Mack]
Mary Compton gazed over the brick wall that surrounded a small orchard belonging to Colonel Bentley-Carr, the old gentleman who lived in a large cottage; immediately down the lane from the more modest-sized dwelling she shared with her parents. Mary had arrived home from school earlier than usual, to find her mother had not yet returned from grocery shopping at the local village store. In the orchard, the trees were bearing some really juicy looking apples and the young girl’s mouth watered for them. She knew perfectly well that she had no business venturing there: indeed the Colonel had grumbled at her for wandering onto his property only a few weeks ago. However, the place appeared deserted, so Mary decided that acting swiftly and cautiously; it should be possible to grab a few apples, stuff them into her school satchel and then return home again in next to no time.
Checking once more that no one appeared to be about, Mary hopped over the orchard wall. She noticed lots of windfall apples lay on the ground, but as these appeared to be well past their best and a bit bruised and maggoty; she wisely decided to leave them exactly where they were. It would be the work of a moment to climb one of the smaller trees and pick a few apples from its branches. However, once up among the branches any sense of remaining completely alert and beating a speedy retreat from the Colonel’s premises at the first sign of danger, appeared to vanish from the schoolgirl’s mind completely.
Colonel Bentley-Carr, clad in tweed plus fours put on a flat cap and ventured outside the front door of his cottage: it was a pleasant afternoon and he decided to take a short stroll down to the orchard where it would be possible to relax for a while and puff away at an aromatic blend of tobacco in his pipe. Upon his arrival, his attention was arrested by a rustling sound coming from one of the apple trees. He espied a pair of ankles clad in white socks, and an adjoining pair of feet wearing black patent leather shoes moving amongst the branches.
‘I say, YOU there – climb down this instant!’ he bellowed.
All movement in the tree was halted at the sound of the voice and then slowly and gradually, a small figure wearing school uniform lowered itself to the ground. The Colonel recognised her rather flustered-looking face as that of his neighbour’s daughter.
‘Good Lord child, what on earth are you doing in here?’ he demanded, and then his keen eye rested on the contents of the still open leather satchel.
‘Please Colonel, I didn’t mean to cause any harm.’ replied a small voice.
‘Stealing eh? Not to mention trespass and causing damage to my trees by climbing them.’
Stealing? Mary hadn’t thought of scrumping a few apples as theft, but realised that’s exactly how such an incident must appear, and she felt decidedly uncomfortable as she stood before the old man - shuffling from foot to foot in shame-faced embarrassment.
‘Let us go to your home at once. Your father shall hear all about this.’ rumbled the Colonel and turned to lead the way.
Mary’s heart skipped a beat at these words. Her father and mother were law-abiding folk, and would be deeply upset if ever their faith in their daughter’s honesty was betrayed. She loved them both very much, and didn’t like to imagine the sense of disappointment they would undoubtedly feel; after being informed about any unlawful activity perpetrated within the confines of their neighbour’s property.
‘No Colonel, please don’t tell Daddy.’ she pleaded, and her blue eyes began welling up with tears.
‘Eh and why not indeed?’
The hapless schoolgirl went on to explain her reasons and Colonel Bentley-Carr listened, whilst pursing his lips and occasionally blowing through the bristles of his moustache. Gradually his mood appeared to soften. He was in point of fact, recognised by most of the villagers as a rather jolly individual - although Mary herself knew very little about him. Daddy had mentioned that the Colonel had been involved in some way during the last war, but that was about all she did know.
‘Very well, I shan’t say anything to your parents on this occasion, but what you need is a jolly good smacked bottom!’
‘Oh golly!’ gulped Mary and thought how stupid she had been to get herself into this awful situation in the first place. However, she made no attempt to argue with the distinguished old gentleman, who by now had sat himself down on an old tree stump.
‘Come here and lie across my knee.’ ordered the Colonel.
As the schoolgirl obeyed his command, she felt her pleated skirt and lace-trimmed slip being gently pushed up over her lower back, in order to gain more of a target for the spanking to come. The child’s plump bottom, clad in regulation navy blue panties; suddenly felt very vulnerable when exposed to the gentle breeze that blew among the blades of grass at the edge of the orchard.
SMACK! ‘Ooooh!’ gasped Mary. The force of the elderly man’s hand had taken her completely by surprise and she couldn’t believe how much that first spank had hurt. He also appeared not to have lost any of the strength and vigour of his younger military days.
SMACK! This was followed by another sharp intake of breath, and the child’s legs kicked out wildly as tears began to flow in much greater measure than they had done just a minute or two earlier.
Another ten spanks were applied to the miscreant’s tender buttocks: each landed very firmly indeed, and with a pause of several seconds between; so as to allow the full effect of the punishment to build gradually. Mary (who wailed bitterly throughout) thought her bottom was going to catch fire at any second. When it was all over, Colonel Bentley-Carr allowed the well-punished schoolgirl to stand up and smooth her school skirt back into place.
Shortly afterwards, a much sadder and wiser Mary Compton undertook the short journey back down the lane and home once more. Never again would the Colonel’s neighbour’s daughter, risk the extremely severe consequences of scrumping for apples.