"Cindy Gets a Big Spanking From Her Mom"

Cindy had a mom who believed in spanking. She was an elderly mother, considering that Cindy was only 10 years old. Cindy's mother had a policy in her house: disobedience will result in a good spanking. Cindy rarely got spankings, since her mother did give her plenty of chances, warning her and forgiving her at times. Still, today, Cindy pushed her mom too far. Cindy had an attitude this day. She started to backtalk her mom, when her mom started telling her that she had homework to do. It was Cindy's bedtime, and Cindy hadn't done her homework, a big no-no in this house. Cindy hadn't in a few months. Feeling invincible, she declared "I'm not gonna do my homework!" Cindy's mom was about ready for bed and did not want to keep fighting her daughter. "Fine! Then, you are going to get a spanking, Cindy." At this comment, Cindy immediately attempted to backtrack, "Okay, mom, fine... I'll do it...". "No, its too late Cindy! Come with me to the couch." Cindy, feeling the panic, followed her mom to the couch in the living room, ready to cry. Cindy hated spankings, since they stung her bottom to the point of tears every time. "Now come here...". Cindy's mom quickly grabbed her daughter. Being near Cindy's bedtime, Cindy was only wearing a shirt and panties. Her mom pulled her panties down just slightly, enough to expose Cindy's bare bottom. This was only Cindy's second bare bottom spanking, and she knew it was going to hurt. Her mom began the spanking, slapping her daughter's bottom as Cindy cried out at the pain of it. Cindy decided that she should have done her homework, as her mother's hand continually spanked her bottom. After the spanking, her mother pulled her panties up and sent her to bed. At school the next day, when Cindy declared that her homework was unfinished, her friends all asked the same question "Did you mom give you a spanking?"
"The Strict Grandma"

"Kids these days! They have no respect for their elders! In my day, you ended up with a red bottom for disrespect. I have believed strongly in that form of discipline. In fact, the other day, I was able to show my teenage granddaughter just how we elderly folk discipline. Her mother left her at my house for a few days, while she was on vacation with her husband. Angela, my granddaughter, was a good girl, but she has quite the attitude. I told her on the first day, that she must obey all my rules, and she simply brushed me off with 'ya ya gramma...' The first couple days went okay, I had to tell her more than once to do things, typical things her generation did, trying to act 'cool.' Then came the night I was to go to the congratulatory dinner for my elderly group. I dressed up fancy that night, and before I left, I told Angela that she was to have no visitors in the house and was not to leave while I was gone. I had a great time at the dinner. Then it was time to leave. When I got home, Angela was nowhere to be found. Of course, I was very worried, for what was she up to? I tried not to panic, knowing she was a big girl who could take care of herself, I just hoped she hadn't made any bad decisions. Of course, disobeying me was a very bad one. An hour passed, then finally, I saw Angela arrive outside in her friend's car. Apparently, she had been at a party with some friends that night. I quickly walked into my room to wait. I listened as Angela walked in, then I yelled out 'Angela! Come in here!' She entered my room and in her sassy voice answered 'what?' 'I told you not to leave the house, didn't I? You disobeyed me, and your mother, who told your to respect my rules!' 'Oh, gramma, I was just with friends. I don't have to obey you anyway, you aren't my mom!' I began to get angry. 'I am your mom's mom and you need to show me some respect! In fact, I'm going to teach you how to give respect!' Angela almost laughed. 'What are you gonna do gramma?' 'I'm going to do what all mothers should do. I did this to your mother she was younger, and now its your turn. Angela, I'm going to give you a spanking!' Angela's smirk went to a frown. 'A spanking? That's for little kids?' 'Angela, you are still a child, teenager or not. You need to be spanked. And it will hurt!' Angela tried to talk herself into thinking it would not, of course. 'What are you going to do? Are you going to use a belt or something?' 'No,' I said. 'I don't believe in the belt. I'm administer the spanking the old fashioned way, the way I've always used it. You are going to lay across my lap, and I am going to spank you with my hand.' Angela laughed. 'Are you kidding?' I sat back in position, with my legs angled to form a nice, sturdy spot for her pelvis to rest on. 'Come here Angela. First, take off your pants and your panties. This spanking will be administered on the bare bottom!' 'But gramma! That's weird! I don't want you seeing my vagina and everything, nevermind your hand touching my butt!' 'Angela, I've raised girls before. I've seen vaginas plenty of times, it isn't a big deal. And my hand will only be on your bottom for short amounts of time, thats the way to make it sting. Now you do this!' For once, Angela obeyed, and pulled down her pants, then reluctantly slid her panties down to the floor. She walked over to me. 'Now take position over my knee!' Almost instinctively, she layed across my lap, I had not felt this feeling in years, but I did not lose a beat. I began the spanking, starting with several hard smacks, and kept it going. After about 8 slaps, Angela began crying softly. I continued until tears were streaming down her face. After the spanking, I let her up. 'Now, Angela, you've experienced a spanking from your old grandma. You see why kids behaved back in my day?'"
"Spanked at Sunday School"

Susan was the daughter of the Sunday school teacher at their church. Her mom was very conservative, very knowledgeable, and knew a lot about kids. All the children loved her. She wasn't the most exciting teacher in the world, but because she had several children herself, she knew how to manage kids. She would give them crafts and tell them stories, and was very insistent on teaching good morals and how to behave. Of course, Susan got tired of being "Mrs. Wright's daughter," and she wanted to make the impression that she was "cool" in front of all her mom's Sunday school students. She would always cuss and and act in inappropriate ways in front of the kids, when her mom was not present, of course. Susan tried her best to shake off the "good girl" label, since she wanted to be seen as the cool kid at church. One Sunday, Susan was acting her normal self, when one of the children told on her to her mom. Mrs. Wright called Susan into the classroom, where other kids were playing and making crafts. All stopped to listen in. "Susan, is it true what you said? Jimmy said that you called a kid a bad word!" Susan laughed. "Lighten up, mom. It was just a stupid word, They'll be fine!" "Susan, I've told you not to act like this! Now go wait in the Sanctuary until after church. You won't be able to go to your friends house today." Susan sneered. "Mom, that's not fair! You're so stupid!" "Excuse me?" "You heard me!" Susan was trying her best to still sound cool. "Susan... do I need to spank you again? I haven't done so in a while." At that, all the kids in the room turned and several let out some Ooooooo's" Susan was now really embarassed, now that the all the kids knew that she had gotten a spanking at least once in her life. Susan, in the heat of the moment, tried one more time to sound cool as she walked towards the door to leave. "You're an old hag mom!" As she reached for the handle, her mother yelled "Stop right there young lady! Come over here!" Susan sighed and walked to her mom, all the kids still watching. "Susan, I warned you. Now all my these kids are going to see you get a spanking! Now, get over my lap, you know the routine! Oh... and pull those panties down too, this is going to be on your bare bottom!" Susan was embarassed, and soon to be even more embarassed. Seeing no other choice, the Sunday school teacher's daughter pulled her panties down and crawled over her mom's lap. Before the spanking began, Mrs. Wright turned to the class. "Class! I hope that all of your parents do this from time to time. The Bible says that naughty children should be taught discipline, so that they may honor their parents. Susan may seem like a good girl... I know... but if she disobeys me, I'm her mother, and its my job as a mother to give her a spanking. So don't get angry when your parents spank you, they're doing it because they love you!" With that, Mrs. Wright began the spanking. Susan, not expecting the sting to hurt so much (she had not been spanked in several years), almost immediately began crying. There the cool girl was, lying on her mommy's lap, crying as her mom spanked her bare bottom.
"The Right Way to Discipline a Teenage Girl"

It is circa 1975. Pamela's father had just gotten back from the Vietnam War. Her father was an officer, strict with his men on following orders, so they wouldn't get killed. Pamela and her mother had lived alone for several years during the war. Pamela had become very careless and a bit of a brat, since her mother did not discipline. Her father was different. Her father demanded respect. It was the second week home when Pamela disobeyed her father by going out with some friends. Her father waited until she got home, in her room. "Daddy, what are you doing in my room?" "Pamela... you disobeyed me." "I'm sorry daddy... now can you get out?" Pamela didn't know just how mad her father was. "Pamela, I don't know what kind of crap you think you can pull when I'm not around, but now daddy's home. You live under my house and my rules, and my discipline. Now come here, I'm going to give you a spanking for disobeying me." Pamela looked at him funny. "Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore. You can't spank me!..." Pamela laughed. "A bottom's a bottom, isn't it? As long as it hurts, you won't want to disobey me anymore. Now get over my knee so I can spank you til your butt falls off!" Pamela walked over melodramatically and bent across her father's lap. "Dad, its not going to hurt..." "We'll see Pamela. I can make it hurt! You'll be crying by the end of it, I guarantee that!" With that, her father lifted up her plaid skirt, revealing her white panties. He began spanking his daughter, very hard. Full force in the palm of his hand struck Pamela's delicate teenage bottom over and over again. "Oh! Daddy, it hurts! Stop! I won't do it again! Please!..." Her father finished up the spanking 15 swats later. "Now, ever time you disobey me Pamela, you're going to get a spanking, just like this one!" Pamela quickly changed her ways. Her officer father had molded her.
"Go To Bed!"

"Cynthia! Are you in bed yet?" Nancy, Cynthia's mom, walked into her daughters room. Her daughter had gotten ready for bed, but she was not in her bed. "Cynthia, I told you to go to bed..." Cynthia, in a bratty mood, jumped in her bed. "Fine..." Nancy walked away, happy. Several minutes later, Cynthia was out and about playing with her dolls. Nancy happened to walk by. "Cynthia! Get in bed!" "Fine..." Cynthia got back into bed. Nancy was a very patient mother, who loved her daughter. Bedtime was a challenge for this single mother and her outgoing daughter. Nancy was tired tonight, having just picked Cynthia up from the babysitter since she was at a dinner with her friends that night. "Okay Cynthia, now go to bed please, I don't want to have to ask you again." 5 minutes later, Cynthia was sitting in her bed with her dolls. Nancy checked once again, and saw this sarcastic situation. "Cynthia! Please! What did I tell you!" "Mommy, I'm in bed!" "Stop playing and go to sleep! If I catch you playing with your toys one more time, I'm going to give you a spanking... okay?" "Okay..." Nancy walked away. 5 minutes later, her daughter was in her bed sleeping, or so Nancy thought. A half hour passed. Nancy was about tired so she turned off the TV to go to her bed. Of course, she had the motherly impulse. She walked into her daughter's room. As she opened the door, she saw her daughter scrambling to climb into her bed, toys on the ground. "That's it Cynthia! I warned you several times!" Nancy walked over to Cynthia's bed, looking stern. "No mommy! I'm sorry! No! I'm sorry!" Cynthia pleaded. Nancy sat down on the bed, yanked her daughter's pajama bottoms down, pulled her daughter over her lap, and administered a spanking. Cynthia screamed the entire spanking, almost enough to wake up the entire neighborhood, for it was past bedtime, and Cynthia had not respected that...
"School Sucks!.... Well, for the Students"

It was my first day as the headmaster of a girls boarding school, a prestigious private school. Parents sent their children here for them to get ahead in studies. Our policy was that of strict enforcement of rules and challenging courses for study, which would ensure Ivy League schools for whichever girls attended. This school had a no-corporal-punishment-policy before I came. I had worked in another boarding school before this one, a boys boarding school, where I learned to use the trusty paddle of mine. Arriving at this new school, I convinced the board that corporal punishment would be an excellent deterint for bad behavior. They agreed, making all the parents sign wavers. All did, figuring their "good daughters" would never get into trouble. Of course, the parents were wrong. It was only the second week of school. Three mischievous girls decided to test the limits of their new headmaster. They got together and did a prank, stealing all the chairs to the school. Of course, they were no match for our security cameras, unknown to them, which picked up the event in the black and white poor quality images. However, all the teachers were able to identify them. I called all three of them to my office and had them sit on a cold wooden bench. I told them we had caught them in the act, and they admitted their misdeeds. Next, I told them it was time for punishment. I disappeared into my office and emerged with my paddle. "What's that for?" They all asked, in surprise. "I'm going to paddle each of you... for that prank..." "Paddle us?" They asked, apparently not familiar with this form of discipline, well, only the blonde and the red headed girl asked. Apparently, the dark haired girl knew. "It means he's going to give us a spanking..." "A spanking? Isn't that for little kids? The red head asked. "Yeah, its supposed to be..." The dark haired girl answered. I was surprised. "None of you have gotten a spanking before?" "My parents don't believe in it..." The blonde girl answered, as did the red head. "Ooooo, I've gotten spanked before... it hurts! My parents had a paddle too. But I haven't gotten spanked since I was 8 years old!" "Well, you're about to get another one..." I said. "But if it only hurts little kids, what's the point?" The red head asked. "Oh, trust me... It'll hurt," I said. "I made was in a boys boarding school, and I made many of them cry during my paddlings..." Silence. "Who's first?" Silence again. "Its going to be on our butt?" The blonde asked. "Of course. " I answered. "That's so embarassing..." The blonde said, blushing and putting her hands to her face. "How about you first, since you're the only one who has been paddled before. Show these girls how its done... Come on..." I said pointing to the dark haired girl. She sighed and followed me into my office. I had never spanked a girl before, and I always thought them to have soft, delicate bottoms. I thought I should be careful, perhaps spank soft. I didn't know how much they could take. "Now bend over" I told the girl. She sighed and did so, putting her hands on her knees. She clearly remembered the routine from home. Then the tough part came. With her skirt, I didn't know where her bottom was, exactly. So, I pulled her skirt up, revealing her white panties. Her bottom looked much to soft to spank in those white panties, yet I knew that girls were just as susceptible to spanking as boys. I raised the paddle, getting ready to spank. Then instincts took over. I landed my first hard swat on her bottom, with her reaction surprising me, as she screamed out in pain, already tearing up and beginning to cry. I continued, giving four more hard swats. Outside, the two other girls could hear their friend crying as she got a paddling, and they knew that they were in for a painful event. I told the dark haired girl to wait outside, as I opened the door and signaled the next girl to come in, pointing to the red head. They were terrified to see their friend crying like a baby after I had just paddled her. It wasn't as weird for the second girl, since I had given my first paddling already. She looked confused the whole time, but bended over as I told her to, taking the paddling quite well, despite her whaling after every swat. The final girl did not want to go in the office. I waited until she finally did. Once inside, she was scared. "Please don't spank me... I don't want you too..." "Well, I need to..." "But its going to hurt!" "Yes, it is, all kids go through this... or at least they should at some time or another. Now, I want you to bend over, putting your hands on your knees, so you won't block your bottom," She refused, then finally did. I lifted up her skirt. "You're going to spank me on my panties!" I didn't say anything. I just gave the first swat. She immediately got out of position, dancing around in pain. I made her go back into position. Than gave another swat. Same result. "Let's just finish..." "How many are you going to give?" "5. You've had 2... let's finish." She was crying very loudly, barely able to choke out her words. "But it hurst... it hurts so much!" "Bend over!" I yelled. She did. The last 3 she stayed in position for, screaming away. I released the three troublemakers, all holding their bottoms as they walked away. That was the first time I paddled a girl, but not the last.
"Parenting in the 1960's."

Jane was scared. She had disobeyed her mom and stayed out after school until the evening. Of course, her mom was gone until the evening as well, most likely, so Jane felt she could risk doing so without her mom finding out. Because Jane's grades had been slipping, her mother initiated a very early curfew: immediately after school. Jane was normally a good girl, her mom made sure of that. So it was a surprise when Jane's mom got home early that day to find her daughter out. She didn't know where Jane was, but knew that the minute she got home, she would spank her. She had warned Jane before, that if she broke her new curfew, she would receive a bare bottom spanking. Jane's mom waited on the couch, the time ticking away, her disappointment growing. Jane's mom was very evenly tempered, but still strict when it came to discipline.The time came when Jane got home. She noticed her mom's car outside and immediately her stomach dropped, fearing the spanking to come. Jane was 16 years old, but her mom's spankings still made her cry. Jane looked inside the window and saw her mom sitting on the couch. Jane considered not going inside, but she realized that her mom already knew that she was not home when she was supposed to be. She considered lying, but could not think of a good excuse that her mom wouldn't see through. So Jane decided to act mature and take her punishment, even though the punishment was as childish as a spanking. It was the 1960's and it was not unheard of for a teenager to get spanked for disobedience. She took a deep breath and walked inside. "Jane..." Her mom said in the 'you've been naughty' tone. Jane didn't say anything. "Jane, where have you been? Didn't I warn you about disobeying me. I told you that until your grades go back up, you must come home immediately after school. You were out with your friends, weren't you?" Jane twisted her foot into the carpet. "Yes mom..." "Okay. Well, you know what you've earned. I was hoping I wouldn't have to spank you, but it looks like I am... come here Jane..." "Mom... do I have to get a spanking? I won't do it again!" "Yes, you do. Now bare your bottom... you know the routine." Jane slipped off her panties and walked over to her mom. Her skirt covered her nudity, for the moment. Jane's mom formed a spot on her lap for her daughter to bend over. Jane, almost crying already, bent right over her mom's knee, a quite familiar position. Her mom lifted up her skirt, revealing Jane's naked bottom. Jane felt the embarrassment well up in her, as she realized she had her bare bottom sticking in the air as she was laying bent over across her mom's lap, like a little girl. She wanted to get it over with, but feared that first big swat on her bottom. She absolutely hated the stinging feeling, as did most kids. "Jane, this is for your own good..." With that, Jane's mother began the spanking. After the third smack, Jane started moaning in pain, tears forming in her eyes. This did not phase her mother, was was in the zone, spanking away. Her mother had spanked her daughter many times before, and was used to it, considering herself a veteran, an expert if you will, at administering this type of punishment. Jane received 20 hard swats on her bottom. Her mom decided that was enough. Jane remained over her mom's knee. "Now Jane, I did this because I want you to succeed. I made the curfew so you would study. I gave you this spanking because you disobeyed me. If you disobey again you'll get another spanking. Okay?" "Okay..." Jane said, still crying, her bottom feeling like it was on fire. The next day Jane told her friends that she had to go home and was unable to hang out like the day before. "Why?" A girlfriend at school asked. "My mom said so." "So, you hung out yesterday?" "Yeah, but my mom found out and I got in big trouble." "Oh... yikes... Did you get a spanking?" "Yes." "I hate getting spanked! Yeah, you'd better just go home than. See you tomorrow Jane..."
"We Have Company! Behave Yourself!"

"Hello, Todd and Bianca, come in." April let her guests inside and led them to the family room. "I haven't seen you two since you got married last year." April and the couple sat and chatted away, catching up on things. The evening was turning out to be a lovely one. "How are the kids, April?" "Oh, wonderful. Timothy just started little league baseball. Rodney got an award for his report he did on dinosaurs. Mandy is enjoying her first year of college. And Alice..." April stopped, seeing Alice walking past. "Alice. Tell Todd and Bianca how you're doing." It was evident that Alice did not want to talk. "Good." Alice simply said, than turned to walk away. "Alice, that was rude. Tell them how you're doing in school... she's getting all A's!" "Yeah, I am. Can I go now?" April gave her daughter a warning look and Alice walked away. "It seems like she doesn't want to talk to us..." Todd said, humorously. "Oh, she's developing quite an attitude." "Really?" Bianca asked rhetorically. "Yes, she can be a real brat at times." "Do you spank?" Bianca asked. April smiled, amused. "Yes, of course. Children need to be brought up in discipline." "Todd and I were wondering if spanking was really the way to go. We heard that spanking hurts the child's self-esteem..." "Are you kidding?" April said, laughing. "Let me tell you something, my kids know that if they misbehave, I'll give them a good old fashioned spanking. And because of this, my kids are the most respectful in the neighborhood." "With the exception of Alice of course..." Todd said, jokingly. " "Well, Alice likes to push me. And trust me, she's had plenty of spankings . And every time I have to spank her, she drops the attitude immediately afterward." "I guess so..." Todd said. They continued their conversation. April walked towards the door to go outside. "Alice?" Her mom yelled out. "Yes? What is it mom?" Alice said with attitude. "Where are you going?" "To friends house." "Alice, we're eating dinner with Todd and Bianca soon. You need to stay and eat with us and your brothers." Alice started walking out the door. "Alice! Where are you going, get in here!" Alice walked inside and slammed the door. "What! Mom, I don't want to eat dinner with you guys! You guys are boring!" "Alice! Don't talk about our guests that way! Have some respect!" "Why? You are so old and boring! I'm going! I don't want to be around you crows!" Todd and Bianca were shocked, as was April. "Alice! That's it! Get over here miss attitude!" Alice walked over to her mom. "Apologize to Todd and Bianca." "I'm sorry." Alice said half heartedly. "Good. Now come here... you're getting a spanking." "What? Why? Mom!" April grabbed Alice and bent her over her lap. "See... when you have kids, if they disrespect you, just turn them over your knee and give them a good old fashioned spanking!" April turned up Alice's skirt and pulled her panties down enough to expose her bare bottom. "If you spank on their bare bottom, it hurts much more..." April says. "No! Mom! Not in front of Todd and Bianca! I'll eat dinner here! I'm sorry! Don't spank me! Its embarrassing!" "Alice, if you act like a brat, you will be treated as one. In my this house, brats get spanked! Now, Todd and Bianca... I'm sorry you have to see this..." April begins the spanking, calmly swatting away, yet her technique was refined enough to really make it sting. Todd and Bianca watched the entire spanking. After April gave the last smack, she pulled Alice's panties back up and lets her off her lap. Alice rubs her bottom in pain, trying her best not to cry, but tears are in her eyes. She doesn't want Todd and Bianca, family friends, to see her like this. She walks into her room, embarrassed at having received a spanking in front of the guests.